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Murray Cod On Plastics


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Has anyone chased murray cod on plastics, I've caught them on bait, lure and fly but never attempted them on soft plastics. If anyone has tried could them let me know which SP they used.

Or if no one has could they let me know which type would best imitate a wood grub as this would probably be a good starting point. I have never really used SP's but want to give them a go on cod.

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Guest Jocool

If your after BIG Cod....could always try an SP that imitates a rabbit! :074::074: Read somewhere that some people use live baby rabbits! :1yikes: How cruel is that? :thumbdown:

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If your after BIG Cod....could always try an SP that imitates a rabbit! :074:  :074: Read somewhere that some people use live baby rabbits! :1yikes: How cruel is that? :thumbdown:



Yeah I have heard of people using baby rabbits but never live, I have seen some pretty weird baits used for cod. Frozen chips ( the crinkle cut version ) to imitate wood grubs, boiled eggs, half boiled potatos. I've also heard of galahs, budgies and canaries being used.

But I usually stick to the standard worm or yabby with bait, mudeye, spinnerbaits or stumpjumbers in lures and dahlbergs, 3Ds, poppers and some self tied flys when fly fishing.

But I would love to chase them on SP's.

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Haven't tried it yet, but I know of a guy who does. He uses a VERY large grub thing with waggly legs all over it. I think he rolls his own. Chucks them unweighted into a variety of nast snaggy county. His PB on Sps is around the 30 lb mark. This year........

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Never chased murray cod before, but I have seen very lifelike wood grub SPs being sold - Aussie brand, sorry can't remember details - I'll have a look at the tackle store I saw them at next time I'm there...

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