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Shamozzle of a day in the Hacking


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The best laid plans of ................

The plan was to get out early for squid, pump some nippers and then burley up a few bream.

The early bit was Ok but it went down hill from there.

On the water before the sun and spent an hour jigging at one of my squid spots for zip. So I headed round to Salmon Haul Bay only to find the weed bed covered in boats.

No problems. I turned around and drifted the Burraneer flats whilst waiting for the tide to come in enough to pump nippers. First run across the flats turned up a nice 53cm flatty. A couple more runs across the flats for two undersized flathead. Then the electric decided it wouldn't turn left anymore.

So off I go to Maianbar. As I headed up to the nipper ground I tried to tilt my outboard up and it would lock in. Whilst I fiddled with it I drifted into the shallows and got semi-stuck. Idiot! Anyway finally got going again and then anchored the boat only to discover the nipper pump was still in the garage IDIOT!

Bugger it I'm off to Warumbal anyway. Anchor up and pull out the the burly to check what I could use for bait. First out was an unidentified bit of fish gut, that went straight onto the hook and over the side. Next out was about a dozen stinky prawns. Once peeled they weren't too bad so one of them went overboard too.

Then the rod with the gut doubled over with the drag whistling. After a couple of solid runs I started to turn it and bring it up. Halfway up it took off again. Finally I got a look at a King, undersized by the look of him, but as I leaned over my sunnies came off and went in the drink. Idiot! When he got a look at me though he shot through for another run and busted my 8lb trace at the hook. BUGGER!

No more gut in the burly esky but for some reason there was a bit of skirt steak off cuts from a recent cook. Cut it up, whacked it onto a couple of 1/0 hooks and with a squirt of aniseed drop them over the side. Between the peeled prawns and the skirt steak I managed to catch 487 tiny reddies and 255 miniature tailor at three different spots on both sides of the entrance to the Arm.

By this stage I'd had enough and decided to leave before the Easter Boofheads were out in any great number.

Got to the ramp and there are three boats taking up all the space and I presumed the drivers were doing the hill climb back down from their cars. So I proceed to fillet the flathead in the boat and sliced a big chunk off the end of my thumb.

Just another typical fishing day for me. Electric motor won't turn left, outboard won't stay tilted, sunnies are at the bottom of the Hacking, a piece of my thumb is rolling around the bottom of the boat, no bloody nippers and only one lousy (well not so lousy but you know what I mean) fish.

Still you wouldn't be dead for quids.



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Haha sorry, I'm only laughing cos iv had a day on the water turn to crap, forgot half the bait in the fridge, realised when I got on the water, forgot to put bung in when launching the boat, forgot the landing net, so lost a legal king...

Oh the joy lol


If it's to good to be true, it usually is...

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Geez that was a painful but entertaining read at the same time. Sometimes I feel the same in that it's just not my day. Just one of those days marred by Murphy's Law. Those days just stick out like a sore thumb (pun).

Edited by nbdshroom
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I know what you mean about the little reddies, plenty about in the deeper water (and up onto the banks), but the legal ones are few and far between this year.

At least you caught one legal fish to take home, better than none.

It was just one of those shit days that happens, next time can only be better !

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We've all had those days! Few weeks back went yak fishing with a mate. Long story short he rolled his kayak about 50m from the ramp with 3 of my good rods on board. The following day we returned with snorkelling gear to attempt the salvage to no avail. Then proceeded to lock my keys in the car after I had loaded everything but the yaks onto the roof. Luckily there was a pub nearby to call NRMA as phone was in the car, along with the wallet so couldn't even buy a beer!

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