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Port Kembla 18/4 land based


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Just a quick post here. Headed down to the harbour yesterday afternoon for some squid - it was shoulder to shoulder holiday action. Managed a few squid & this morning went to Port Kembla breakwater (north) for my last 'summer' session before heading o/s next week.

A combination of howling wind and a group of spear fishos diving in close made for tough going amongst the 2,000 lines that seemed to be in the water. Fished for a few hours for a couple sergeant baker, and my newbie mate landed his first rat king - just a baby model but he was rather happy and it's always so nice helping someone catch a fish. It's not worth posting a pic but he was very chuffed.

Around 10:30am hooked on to this guy at 78cm made the day really worthwhile. Shortly after landing it our little section of the wall was, well lets say enthusiastically encroached upon by a few folks who I guess we're hoping for a similar catch. Time to pack it up muttering something like "serenity now".


Incidentally a fellow near me had a good haul of drummer/blackfish/sawtail - so they seem to be in good numbers if fishing for these is your bag - about 2/3rds of the way down the wall on the ocean side.

That concludes my summer, I can't handle the holiday crowds. When I return from America in a month I have a trip to Darwin planned to stay tuned. Tight lines all.

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Another good kingy! Looks like you had a good season.

Will miss the Wollongong reports,so i might have to have a crack myself

its been a long time since I fished the breakwall.

Anyway have a great trip to Darwin,and hope to catch up with you one day.

Regards Deano

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