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Port hacking. Mixing it up.


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Fished with my daughter today. The last outing with her was a disappointment so I thought sod the table fish let's just go for anything so she can land something.

Headed straight for swa hoping you yakas but grateful of anything. First spot was dead and after an hour of burley nothing.

Moved 200m and although no yellow tail she managed. Darts. Snapper. Leatherjackets. Bream and tarwine. All quite small but she was thrilled to be pulling some fish in.

After a couple of hours we decided to try for a few drifts at mainbar hoping for a flathead. On the way I said we might as well throw a lure out. 5 mins in and wallop the rod goes over and stats losing line. I try to give instruction but to much slack line sees the fish throw the hook.

We repeat this with Maddie landing 3 Taylor largest 40cm and I even got a go. We kept 2 to try as we haven't eaten them before and the fish guide say some love them some hate them.

Made it to mainbar for 1 undersize flathead to a home made lure of my daughters. By now it's 2pm so we tried a last hour behind the Bommie at jibbons. I threw out a couple of big baits in the hope of a fight but nothing happened. Maddie managed 2 more small snapper.

Not much for tea but a great day of memories. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

......... SaltWaterDog

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Hi there , if you have not cooked taylor before try this, scale, gut . wash and dry whole fish, cut in half or portions that will fit in your frying pan, salt lightly all over, place in the fridge for 2 hours or even overnight,

bring to room temp/ half hour , cover/dust with plain flour and fry in 1cm of oil , fry till golden on one side turn and fry the other side , squeeze lemon juice over it , let me know what you think about it.

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Not much for tea but a great day of memories

Awesome there with the Daughter Mate and memories just get better with time.

I had a great session with the daughter on Blue Swimmer Crabs over Easter, up at Brisbane waters so it was with hand lines, priceless.

As for the Tailor,couple of cuts across the thickest part then fresh grilled with a bit of butter........ Yum.

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Your dead right scratchie. Last time out we fished 3/0 hoping for table fish. The only catch was a puffer which pleased her but I had clearly tested her patience. This time it was size 10 hooks (apart from the flathead on a 1/0) and she was much happier watching them come in one after the next. and keen to come next time too :) the tailor on repalas were real unexpected as we moved between spots

......... SaltWaterDog

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Yowie. They were bled straight away and put on ice. My daughter did have to look away and got a little upset. but is looking forward to trying them for tea

......... SaltWaterDog

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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Your dead right scratchie. Last time out we fished 3/0 hoping for table fish. The only catch was a puffer which pleased her but I had clearly tested her patience. This time it was size 10 hooks (apart from the flathead on a 1/0) and she was much happier watching them come in one after the next. and keen to come next time too :) the tailor on repalas were real unexpected as we moved between spots

......... SaltWaterDog

The other thing you just mentioned is a good point. "The tailor were unexpected".

Sometimes we try rushing between known spots and forget all the water that holds fish in between!

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