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Thanks a lot FR social


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G'day raiders,

After going to the SP's social yesterday, my kids were keen to go out and try their new found skills. So after school this arvo I decided to take them out with no bait at all, only for our crab traps and let them throw a few SP's around.

Firstly, we set out the traps then set up all our rods with different SP's and drifted and round the bay. First on was tiny scratchie with a spirited little trev and a big smile from the young one!


Then, after a few more casts and a bit of further tuition from yours truly, little Scratchie jnr is on to a nice fish, he plays it really well and netted by scratchie jnr!

A cracking flatty coming in at 55cm.


After sharing the rod with tiny scratchie and him showing me up, I was keen to make a mends but dropped a few chances. While re-rigging another rod, tiny scratchie says "dad I'm on". The area we were drifting had many weeds and sand, and I thought he's snagged but then I see the line bouncing. With a bit of encouragement, I talk him through winding it up and to my surprise, up comes a bigger flatty going 57cm


It was then time to call it a day and we proceeded to go and pick up out crab traps. Of the 5 witches hats 3 held crabs, one was too small and one dropped at the boat but one keeper. It was a great afternoon with the boys and their new found skills brought a smile to everyone's face!


Thanks for reading!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Mate that's just awesome....You've got a great bunch of young fishos there! Glad they got the SP bug :P

Also great to meet ya at the social, keep em coming!



Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Thanks guys and for the record, tiny scratchie is just 4yo and he cast, played, hooked and wound in his own fish! I was very proud, just as much as he was! I would have loved a 57cm PB at age 4, on a SP too! Wow!

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Disappointed I didn't get to meet you at the social. I turned up 8-10 and was straight into lessons. Didn't realise who you were till goodbyes. Great follow up session and fantastic that the rug rats are pulling in the fish.

Love your work.

... Steve

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Disappointed I didn't get to meet you at the social. I turned up 8-10 and was straight into lessons. Didn't realise who you were till goodbyes. Great follow up session and fantastic that the rug rats are pulling in the fish.

Love your work.

... Steve

Thanks Steve! No stress mate, there's always the next social and I'll be at the hairtail social for sure!

it's always good to get out there with fellow raiders!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Hi Scratchie, love the pictures of the kids (fish are good to)

I can't wait for my 2 YO granddaughter to grab a rod, she is already talking about Daddy's fishing.

Great to meet you at the social.



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Beautiful stuff Scratchie!!

Top read and nice photos.

It was lovely to meet you and the family at the social.

Looks like the Scratchie Family is cashing in on all the new found SP skills learnt at the social!!

Nicely done and congratulations especially to Tiny Scratchie for a magnificent PB at such a young age :thumbup:

I bet the catch cooked up nicely too. There's no shortage of fresh seafood at the Scratchie residence that's for sure.

Thanks for sharing.


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Thanks for all your kind words. It's great to share your passion with your kids, like many of you do!

I'm just fortunate to live close to the water and there's no real effort needed to go fishing!

Thanks stewy for taking the time to show my eldest a thing or two. I woke up this morning to him holding a line at my face saying "did I tie this right"

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