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Jani`s Zander and Perch season 2014


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Hi there. Summer coming soon here. This topic i will put my all Zander and redfin perch reports this year.

And..season is started :sun: .

I went fishing on pier, and just came home, wind was quite strong, and was hard feel bottom By softplastic. Anyway, i did put 15g head and green 3" fishtail softplastic...three cast and " bum", fish on. I had my new lighter rod, and new reel, feel nice, and really exaiting. Short fight and 45cm Zander on net. :banana: Continue fishing about 10 cast, get one bite, but not any fish anymore. Water is quite cold still, only +5`c, best season is later.



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Aside from it being so cold I would love to go there sometime and tour the north lands. I also have a Scandinavian background (my last name is Olswick), my grandfather came from Norge and always told us about how beautiful the fjords are along with the countryside.

I would love to tackle a few trout whilst I am there and have a go at the zander too.

Thanks for sharing Jani.


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BLade souds interesting, båut cant buy anywhere from here. I HEAR bladefirs time from Stu last autum when they visit here. Same week i did read that some company start import blades in Finland, but havent see anywhere :(

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Yes, i smoking fishs, a lot. Zander is it not best for smoking, quite dry fish. Anyway, i went short 30min session yestarday evening, get 1 under age zander, and get one bite. Wind was strong, and was quite difficult fishing. Thanks Stu, i promise send to you that old style icefishing reelrod.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. Have been quite quiet. I have been fishing on pier about 10 times after 10.may. Have get even bites. Yeastarday i hooked one under age zander. Today after wor we all family, me Saija and Vili went "fishinf pier". I casting several times, then i lose lure and change equipments, older rod and reel. Mut Softplastic upsaiddown purposely 2.5" fishtail white-black-red. Only 2 cast and fish on, i did feel that littlebit bigger, no under age., then, my line, quite big loop 5m before lure. "What i do now, i thinking", cudent yell even Saija to help, becouse she whatchin son on land. So i wide loop trough 5 rod rings, but cudent wide in reel. Ooh, what a do? So i pull one loop side, and it open, not all, but enough. Then becouse loop open, line get loose, "now i lose it" i thought, but no, still fish on. And it was Zander, suck my lure really deep and not fight anymore, use net and and my new PB zander was catched :) Fish is 1.86kg, how long, i dont know, check tomorrow. After that i did try lightly sinker and differend tuopes lures, nothing on 30min. Then i change same equipments when i get that fish. Get again 1 under ages, one bite, and lose one after short fight. So looks good, maby they start camo back on river? I thinking whith one is more matter, right colour, right size sinker, or lure smimming style? I am not sure, but my opinion is, shat right type colour and right smimming style is that secred? Anyway, this fish go to wooden smoker tomorrow :) Edit. It was 61cm




Edited by JaniFIN
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Zander is quite neutral tasty. My faforite your fishes is fried dollie (but fried scallops is best, maby taste langust or lobster next time). But now i have new "weapons" for catch my PB Perch allso, Thanks Stu, "they" arrival today :)


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Ok. We went yeatarday evening/night boat fishing with my uncle. He was first time softplastic fishing. We did try find perch..but...but. Wi did drive near bridge, otherside fishing pier. Anchoring there and start fishing, first i told him softplastic technique, but he pulling lure really slow and wide in.. So we i did think that hes fishing technique is too slowly. After few cast he get tiny zander. after few cast more he get just and just undersize(42cm) zander. We continue fishing same spot, and he get nice size perch, and 3 more zanders, just under 45cm. I catch only couple of perch, not so big, i allso catch my first perch By blade.. Then we change spot, but was too windy, after 45min we came back otherside bridge. My uncle want go same spot where we start, but becouse i had my new fishfinder, i did want try fin new spots, so we drive 200m near shore. We find spot where 4m deep water change fast 10m water. We achoring there and my uncle cast first cast, hooked old net..baga. We fixed that net thing and start fishing again, after 2 cast more he said" now is litt bit bigger", rod was on nice curve and fish pulling slow but powerful. After short figh i saw big Silver side. Oh, big zander..get exaiting but use net right way. After 1 second fish on boat...2.3kg zander :) My uncle was allso exaiting, me to. I continue fishing, get some small perchs. Then i get better bite...short fight and zander was under boat, about 1.5kg..but i lose it..baga. Continue fishing and my uncle not get even bites anymore? We just talk that we go back first spot, but then i did feel some bigger hit. Short fight, and we saw bream kind fish (this fish usually eat only bugs and magots), my uncle use net, and 1.66kg fish on boat. Oh i was happy, after lose zander get my PB this fish. After some casts we did drive firs spot, start to be dark, 11pm. We anchoring and start fishing, after 15min fishing and some bites i did feel bigger fish, zander i sayd..short fight and fish on boat..1.57kg zander... yes :). Oh i was happy, we casting 20-30min more, nobody home. We change Place on fishing pier, open fishes and casting few times on pier, get nothing and leave home. 00.30 we went back home 4h fishing trip was end, lot of happens, nice fishes and new places. BTW, looks my uncle suprising face on firs pic.







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Short report, i am quite tired after 2 days fishing. We went today allso few hours,same spots that yestarday. Couple of cast and couple of fishes. Together we catch 3 zanders 46-50cm/850g-1.1kg, and i catch allso pike 72cm/2.54kg. Allso we catch several undersizes.


BTW, yestarday 2 biggests zanders was 57cm and 65cm.



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Love reading your reports as a Fishraider foreign correspondent! Congratulations to you and your uncle on some great catches. In the middle of summer it starts getting dark at 11pm for you :1yikes: ? Wonder what it's like during winter where you are. Its winter here in Sydney now so our sun sets at 4.50pm - baga!


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That Bream...it is not best fish for eat, but it is ok By smoked. That time on year sunset official 11pm, daylight is official 20h on day, but here is not really dark at all this time on year.


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I went 3 days a go fishing about 2 hours after work. First cast, i get bite, and next 9 cast i get 8 zanders ?? Many waqs like miniatyr, really small fishes, 2 zander was just 45cm, but i realease everybody.. Any way was funny fishing, when i did know that there have to be lot of fishs, and maby there is some bigger allso (One Fisher woman catc here over 8kg zander last week, By softplastic). Was quite dark clouds and start rain, but i did contuinue fishing, in 2 hours i catch about 15 zanders, but all was quite small. After rain i did not get even bites, was quite strong wind allso, so water get colder. Here is some underwater and views pictures. Now i havent been fishing, becouse our :ranting2: summer have been so cold last couple of days, +4´c between +6´c and rainy.









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Hi Jani

I notice that you hold the record for Halibut. That fish is has been on my "bucket List" for many years but have yet to get to a place where I can catch one.

I have fished in Bergen and Stadfjord in Norway but only caught Coalfish,

I would love to catch one of the big Halibut that they get in Canada.

Could you post some pics of the halibut that you have caught?



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Short picture report.

We went with Vili and my dad on rainbowtrout lakes. We rent cabin for one night. Not lot of fishing but something camping together with 3 generation. Yeastarday we boating little together and i get some bites by spinner, but not hooked anything. After Vili get sleep i boating one hour, lot of rainbows jumping, but cath none. Today Morning i trolling little alone, catc one rainbow By fly trolling, it was 1.6kg fish. There is some pictures from Cabin to shore, shore to cabin, boating, from sauna to beach and side between sauna and beach ext. We came today back, and one hour rest after drive we tuck boat with my dad and did go to fishing some zanders. First spot i get plenty bites, but was maby small fishes, idid use 6/0 sinker hook By softplastic. Then one bigger bite, fish on and soon 1.1kg fish on boat. We did continue fishing, but get only bites. Then we came back home and smoking both fishes . Report is short, becouse fish is ready now, and i just go eat them :)


















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