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Whats On This Weekend ? 3/4

Ken A

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Whats the plans this weekend ? Wetting a line or off doing something else?


Well, 2 weeks ago I ordered a Kayak, and having 2 rod holders fitted and an extra hatch, as well as some other accessories.

So hopefully I will be picking it up and having a go..dunno about fishing from it just yet...but here is a pic of the same model but fully decked out.



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Mate im counting down the minutes till sat going for a fish at maianbar with my mate (paggles) where he caught some nice whiting!!! :1yikes:  :biggrin2:

hoping to get a nice feed to cook for fathers day!!! :biggrin2:

how about you???





What time are you blokes heading down, i am keen for an early (8am or so) landbased fish :1fishing1:

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gday landlubber,

in melb at the moment (we had hail and the temp didnt go over 10c get me back to syd!!! :biggrin2: ) paggles is picking me up from the airport at 1230pm so we wont be there till bout 130ish but we will be camping there so feel free to drop in for a :beersmile: ill have plenty as im on holidays.....

catch tya



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Well,depending on the weather-I will be out on my mates Bar crusher "Fin and Tonic" out from Botany Bay.Hopefully if the weather is good and the water temperature right we will be going down near the hump to spend the afternoon/early evening cubing for Red things.


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Guest Jocool

Saturday will see me and my dad out on the Harbour. Back to our usual tricks of arguing how, where, and what to fish for! :074:

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Guest fishrunner

As long as I finish replacing gear and throttle cables :( , I should be out chasin a few sambo's in the morning and bream in the afternoon on saturday. :thumbup:

Sunday still up in the air, but possibly a repeat of saturday :biggrin2:


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Saturday we are off to Lake Macquarie to soak a few poddies for the start of a mates bucks day. Saturday arvo we are off to the pub for a few :beersmile: and a feed. Then Saturday night................... not sure yet but I'm sure there will be a few more :beersmile: consumed.

Sunday.............. welll it depends what time Saturday night finishes :wacko:

Have agood one all :thumbup:

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Guest bluecod
Sunday spend with the wife and kids. Will be getting a few fishing trinkets  :biggrin2: What are the chances of being waited on hand and foot for the day?


Dave, I would hope the chances are very high !

Saturday, provided the winds and seas are kind, will be heading out to the usual spot to try and tangle with some more salmon - this time on a lighter fly rod!

Sunday, playing King of the Castle :yahoo: - fooling with all new fishing toys and doing nothing I don't want to do - :wife: is in :wub: and thinks I'm :1worthy: of another day off, but Monday ..... :mad3::08: back to the old routine. :risata:

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Up for the early Saturday morning either out at Lake Macquarie or over at Stockton. Heard a few reports that the flathead are showing up in greater numbers in both places.

Helping some family members move house Saturday afternoon, that should be fun. Here's hoping they've organised a few cold ones for us for afterwards. The sister in law wants to borrow my car while I'm doing that, but I'm a bit concerned about her 3/3 record of backing new cars into solid objects. The day after they moved into their new house she backed their brand new car into the new neighbours car. Nice way to introduce yourself to the neighbours.

Sunday. I'm hoping to go for another early flick, and seeing as it's fathers day and all, the :wife: shouldn't complain. Reality might be a bit different though. I would like to try both the harbour and the lake over two sessions in a single weekend to compare the results. Sunday afternoon is a bbq with the relo's at one of the many parks surrounding the lake. I've already been informed that fishing gear will not be invited to the party. It's going to be tough sitting there looking at the lake without be able to have a flick.

Good luck to all the Raiders getting out this weekend, and happy fathers day to all the Raider dads.



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Going to wet the lines on Saturday afternoon out of Pittwater into the Hawkesbury in chase of some fathers day BBQ Jewies! :074:

I know i will become the #1 favourite with the inlaws if i provide the fresh fish for dinner!

Hopefully Saturday will deliver. :1fishing1:


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