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Offshore - Kings, Dollies and Snapper 11-6-14

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We got some good reports of large numbers of kings being caught off Long Reef, so we thought we would give that a try for a change.

Got to Long Reef around 10am our usual late start :) About 6 boats there, we trolled around there for about an hour or more, didn't see anyone else get a fish and we got nothing as well but we briefly saw a school of kings bust up the surface chasing big Gar Fish, wasn't a big school that surfaced and we didn't see them again.

Too many boats there for our liking and we had no plan, so we just started trolling east. Thought we try Hydraulics, maybe some kings on hold there. About a mile before the fad, we caught a Dollie around 70cm in 19.7. Then another on the fad which was a bit smaller. Did a few passes and got nothing else.

So we fanged it back to Long Reef to try for Kings again. No boats there around 1pm, started trolling and a few boats started to show up, we got one King around 70cm on the lure down rigged to camera and another smaller one a little later. We couldn't find any Kings on the surface to throw lures at, so around 3pm decided to have a real quick bottom bash in the channel at Long Reef. Got 2 pan sized snapper on the first 2 drops, then a SB, when we pulled the Snapper up there were hundreds of Sweep following it up along with a couple of Kingies under them, threw a bit of burley out to keep them around but the Kingies wouldn't take anything.

Headed in around 3.30.

SB LURES - www.scentblazer.com





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Great report and update Pete, you got yourself a nice feed there. Good results considering the recent weather

I hit the FAD on Monday , got there at 7am. Nothing on the bite, water temp 20.6 and realllyyyy sloppyy, made it near impossible to troll a surface popper, nothing on the deep divers or live baits either.

I also went to Longy for some kings after, schools were everywhere but not on the chew. Ended up with two rats at 55 and 62cm both undersized. One on the livey and another on the XRap magnum15

No feed for the week but that's fishin I guess.

Have you heard any reports if the tuna have showed up offshore ?



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yeah it was a good day, I was hoping to do some spinning for kings

that's amazing, 20.6 on the FAD for this time of year. it was less than 20 yesterday.

not hearing anything on Tuna front, I haven't heard anyone getting one, not even stripped tuna. There was striped marlin caught on the weekend about 5 miles south of the Browns.

I might try the southern canyons and heatons weather permitting next week.

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Thats the lateset dolly off Sydney i have heard of and nice size too

When you say the long reef channel do you mean the wall?



yeah I know, its June right! I wouldn't be surprised a few more get caught around the FADs this weekend. We will probably fish wide next week, might try Fad 19 on way out that would be cool if got more this late in the season.

This is where we got the Snapper, there were small kings and shit loads of sweep that came to the surface when we pulled the snapper up but we couldn't get the kingies to bite anything

DMS S 33:45:7.509 E 151:19:41.6

I never fished it before, we just saw it on the map and said looks like a likely spot for a bottom bash. There's a large reef that looks like an Island underwater on our nav map which it goes into a channel 25-30m deep then back up to 12m going towards to shore. We fished it from 20-30m deep. Its about 500m to 1k wide. If no one has named it I am calling it "Pete's Reef" :) Its seems like a good place to use knife jigs.

I don't know where the wall is at longy, I have heard its good. I think its right in front of the point there.


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For people who want to know where the wall is:


The area in the box is what most people refer to as the wall in about 7-22m but the arrow is pointing to the actual wall

Long reef wide I think is in around 60m not really sure

I think there's scattered reef in between the two

Cheers sydneyfisher12

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Sounds like a good day even if it wasn't what you expected.

Just a question about snapper fishing - do you normally fish for then in the deeper parts next to a reef rather than on top of the reef?



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Sounds like a good day even if it wasn't what you expected.

Just a question about snapper fishing - do you normally fish for then in the deeper parts next to a reef rather than on top of the reef?



we don't specifically go for snapper, we just bottom bash and hope for snapper, but we are just as happy to catch Morwong or Flatties or any other tasty fish down there. I have heard though that the bigger snapper are caught in the shallower water off longy, The Wall is supposed to be good and I think that's only around 10m.

Try the co-ordinates I posted above, we got 2 there in quick succession, weren't big, but keepers and weren't doing anything to clever, just a 2 hook dropper rig with a snapper lead using squid and pillies for bait. I am sure there would be bigger ones there as well and we saw kings coming up to the surface. I am sure at times it would be plagued with sweep, but that can happen at any spot on any given day.

to get the snapper over the shallower spots, but you probably need different tactics, anchor-up, burley-up and throw out light or unweight baits I am guessing.

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Thanks for the advice. I know longy is meant to be good for snapper but haven't had much luck there myself yet

yeah same, I haven't fished it that often but all the times I have fished the bottom there all I have gotten is sweep and SB. That was the first time I got snapper there, but in the past we normally fish wider in about 40m straight off the point, this spot was in closer and half a mile south of the point.

Try those co-ordinates and see how you go

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