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Northern Beaches Drummer


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I've never caught a drummer before, but after what i've just read, im pretty keen on catching one or two myself hahha :drool: Could Luckyfil or anyone else please share some good drummer spots by maybe screen shotting google maps or something, i would greatly appreciate it :fishing1:

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I've never caught a drummer before, but after what i've just read, im pretty keen on catching one or two myself hahha :drool: Could Luckyfil or anyone else please share some good drummer spots by maybe screen shotting google maps or something, i would greatly appreciate it :fishing1:

I'm not great on manipulating the technology so I'll just write it !

Firstly rock fishing is dangerous. I'm not sure from your post if you've done it before but if not you need to make yourself aware of all the safety issues - google up advice on it for details, but essentially things like having cleats on your shoes, checking swell forecasts, watching the sea for 10 minutes before you set up, fish with a mate, wear a life jacket etc.

Now as for locations most guys who fish the rocks are wary of giving away their best spots as they will quickly get fished out for resident fish like drummer, but there are plenty of places on the northern beaches like South Curl Curl rocks, Long Reef and Dobroyd that are fished for rock species including drummer. The techniques are pretty simple - again google is a good place to start but if you re-read my initial post you'll get an idea of techniques. Winter is the preferred time of year for drummer but diving guys will tell you they are around most of the year.

Hope this helps.


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In my opinion it's one of the best eating fish in the water and I know some will disagree but I'd say better than bream. But you do have to look after it - firstly keep the fish in a rock pool in your keeper net to ensure they stay cool - some say this also allows the fish to release the adrenaline that builds up during a fight which taints the flesh. I like to fillet and skin the fish, then dip in egg and panko crumbs and lightly fry for a few minutes - yum! The fillets are white, thick and moist with a light fish flavour. Others cook them whole - can't say how to do that. I go fishing in Far North QLD every year and have eaten all the quality tropical fish - barra, jacks, coral trout, finger-mark snapper, blue tusk fish, spanish macks, and I reckon properly prepared drummer is up there with the best!

Better then bream! this is the kind of statement that motivates me to do something, i have to try one of these drummer . thank you for your reply . Leonard.

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For me Drummer is even more illusive then say Groper ......... getting the right balance of swell and not killing myself still a learning curve , plus they prefer the low light condition mean get up earlier and stay late

And for me 20-25lb mono, they love dive into the rock right under you, if they do so even 60lb will not able to draw them out, and b/c their smaller size compare to groper its easier for them to find the rock hole

For me Groper I use 80lG braid or 40lb to 50lb mono for Blue and 25LB will do for brown groper

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Good catch.

Completely agree with the table qualities of a properly looked after and prepared fish.

What bait did you use for the shoe?

Got him on cunje - gave a good fight but didn't cook up as well as the drummer....

We just put the shoe in the pic to give an idea of the size of the fish as there was nothing else to give perspective.

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