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Gr plastics session

Guest hawkesbass

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Guest hawkesbass

Hit up the georges woth dan for a arvo flick.

Arrived two hours before high tide started flicking plastics around for a while i hooked a small bream and released we got a few snags and dan put on a vibe getting a 40 cm trevally first cast.

Dan got 3 more trevs on the vibe before going back onto plastics.

I stuck with the plastics getting a trevally around 30 cms who earned his freedom when he spiked me and threw the plastic.

Dan got small ep next after dropping one earlier.

I got a little jew next and dan got another trev on a plastic for a double hook up.

Dan dropped a jew who busted his leader.

Then i dropped 2 jews to busted leaders.

Called it quits as the sun started to set and the tide turned too run out.

Cheers trevor.









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Looks like a great arvo Trev! Nice assortment of little fighters there to keep it entertaining..

If you don't mind, which plastics were providing the goods? Just realised all my GULPS have dried out due to being poorly stored and so it's time to renew the collection...

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Guest hawkesbass

Zman grubs 2.5 inch.

Squidgie wrigglers 80 mm.

Lunkers lures flick baits.

These are the main ones we used.

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