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Bias Boating - Closing down?


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So lately I have ben going to the shop in Parra and it seemed pretty bare. I kept asking them when they are bringing in more products and they told me in summer when it warms up. I joked around asking if they are closing down!

Found out on another site that they are under administration. Their website has been down for days now.

So I am not sure what is happening!

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+1 to what roadrunner said and it is a shame because I too liked going to their stores to have a look around. It has been rumored for a while and who knows what will come after the creditors get paid, but from what I am hearing some people are owed a fair bit of money.

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I still have "The other" shiop in same distance. They were also more helpful and less arrogant then Bias. I might think twice about buying something online from a place that does not run mortar and brick shops. It is true though, sometimes you have to pay more just for the sake of having a shop close by selling what you want.

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+1 to what roadrunner said and it is a shame because I too liked going to their stores to have a look around. It has been rumored for a while and who knows what will come after the creditors get paid, but from what I am hearing some people are owed a fair bit of money.

Unfortunatly it's normally the way with creditors.

I wonder if there is more to this than meets the eye. I go to Bias from time to time both during the week & on weekends. Normally there are several people in the shop & the cash register is ticking over frequently. So where is the money going???.


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Hi Geoff, there will always be "more to this" or another side of the story, but you and I probably will never find out and as I said it is a shame, I do not like seeing any shops go belly up but this industry is a tough one to survive in.



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I spoke with the manager at the Warwick Farm store about 3-4weeks ago and he confirmed that BIAS are going down quicker than a lead suitcase.

He said he would be surprised if they would still be trading come October.
I'd steer clear of them as it only a matter of time til their doors shut for good.

Agreed, its a shame as they had plenty of good stuff.

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Correct they are gooone.

Stock is being offered about to any interested parties. Most of the good gear is gone from all stores (sounders etc anything high value).

Lots and lots of hardware and the like. If Whitworths don't buy it all will probably go to Auction.

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Guest Aussie007

It is a shame. It was convenient to pull out the catalogue, check if they had what you wanted then go down and get it. I think I will miss all the little bolts and bits in stainless the most.

they had a good little assortment of nuts and bolts in stainless steel, have shopped there for many years but since the other well known boating supplier opened up close by i shop there now as they have fishing gear as well as boating stuff

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Over the years I have split my buying between Bias and Whitworths, both had similar stock and service was on a par. Shame to see them go out.

Noticed another shop recently started up at Taren Point, big signs announcing they have all the boating etc bits. Haven't been there yet but makes you wonder how they will go when Bias could not carry on.



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Up on the C/Coast we only had two choices, that big camping and boating store or the two Bias stores.I normally went to the big camping store as it was huge and easy to walk around dreaming,I tend to find the smaller Bias shops not user friendly due to the size and find that everything is just crammed in.I like to have choice and space when I'm shopping and I'm sorry but Bias just didn't cut the mustard with me.I like to support the local tackle shops when I can but some times I just don't want to climb over boxes and stuff to to get what I want.

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