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Weekend Attempts - Clifton Gardens, Clontarf


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Had Friday off thanks to some time in lieu at work, and although I planned to go fishing the whole day I took an easy morning and had lunch with the wife knowing I wanted to have another fishing session on Sunday. Headed out mid afternoon and thought it would be a good time to hit Clifton Gardens while it was probably not that busy.

Immediately regretted my choice of attire, as I only had shorts on and the wind was freezing. Any rate the wharf was empty so I took up a spot right at the end corner and set out my heavier gear with a squid under a float in the hope maybe something interesting would have a hit at it. Had issues with the braid to leader knot so was not getting much distance with it and spending a lot of time undoing birds nests. This amounted to nothing in the end so packed it up as the wharf got busier.

On my lighter gear got some hits on pilchard pieces pretty consistently, but nothing that would hook up. Eventually foul hooked a little pinky snapper but that was about it. I took some hard hits from something that was destroying my squid but could not hook them, and got the hook bitten off a few times. Someone else got a just shy of legal snapper so I was hopeful something similar would show up but no dice. Come about 6:30pm I was freezing and the bite was gone, so I called it a night.

(rant time) Wharf etiquette leaves a lot to be desired. The first guy to show up was fine, took another corner, plenty of room. The second guy who showed up dead set cast either side of me, and put his rods within two feet of either side of me... leaving my a 45 degree forward arc to cast from the corner. Not happy, but I can work with it, even though we tangled a few times. Then a whole gaggle of about 8 guys show up, immediately set up gear next to me (you know, the 16ft rods, large boxes of oatmeal burley) and slaps a chair down, one foot behind me. So I had this little box of space between him and the wharf railing, and had to carefully swing around him every time I cast. As night came up these guys were pulling in yakkas and undersized trevally like no tomorrow, and with these 16ft rods would fling the catch right up out of the water. If I had not turned to see what he caught and ducked, I would have had a fat yakka slapped across the back of my head. Seriously, with all that room, they came and setup like the owned the place, and for the style of fishing they were doing they could have just of easily used the part in front of the swimming net that was completely empty. Next time I will be more assertive because I let it slide to begin with but it was just plain annoying after a while.

Sunday - Clontarf

I hit Clontarf for no real good reason other than I figured it would not be busy and I could get a free park. Wrong on both counts. Got there around 12 and it was packed, people on picnics and playing on the beach. Could not blame them, it was a fantastic day.

Tried around towards castle rock beach but just got pickers which turned out to be toadfish. I had brought a whole heap of gear with me including my heavier 3 piece surf rod. Last time I went rock hopping I regretted not having something with a longer reach, but in this area it was completely impractical but I had to lug it around now that I brought it. Moving between spots once the tide went down I got onto a large rock but as I stepped off I slipped over and landed on my ass, sending my bucket of gear over and landing heavily with the rods I was carrying in the other hand. As I ignored my embarrassment I looked and saw the tip piece for my graphite surf rod snapped in two. It must have slapped on the rock as I fell. Crap.... I also had to go swimming to retrieve my drink bottle, so not a fantastic development. Talking to the fishing shop I bought it from the rod tip might get replaced under warranty for a nominal fee, still, not happy as I really wanted to use it next week.

Tried around a few more spots until just before 4 when a just legal 25cm bream absolutely smashed the prawn I had out. He put on a good fight for his size, it was good to actually have something of substance on my line, even if it was nothing to write home about (its been a while). Took him home because between the donuts and the smashed rod I figured the fishing gods owed me.

Despite the fall and the low activity, it was a nice day out in the sunshine. Next time I will just pack lighter.

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Sorry to hear about your rod mate, hope it's covered by the warranty. I'd like to get a light graphite combo, but the fragility of the tips is the one thing that puts me off. I can also thoroughly relate to your experiences at the wharf- I fish a few regularly and the behaviour of some people is just astonishingly rude, really bugs me when someone turns up after you then proceeds to cast all of 6 inches away from your line, then moans at you for being in his way. On the plus side, occasionally you meet someone who's willing to offer sound advice or even leave you their leftover bait (happened to me at Rose Bay on Friday).

And hey, well done on the fish you did get! A 25cm bream is good going land-based. I haven't caught a bream for at least a couple of months, so you're doing a damnsite better than me in that respect :)

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Thanks. The graphite rod was picked more because it was available as a 3pc so I could have it in the boot when travelling with the kids. Strength wise the only real thing I have tested it on was a 4ft wobbegong and that held up fine, I think today it just happened to strike the rock badly but I know that is one of the risks with a graphite rod.

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Bad luck with the broken rod - I know how you feel about Clifton Wharf too - it was my local last year after work I would head down there for a quick session and it was always the same. People standing shoulder to shoulder from each other.
What finally made me give up there was one night I had a yakka out live - a lady cast her line over mine, reeled it in, pulled up my line - took my yakka off my hook and put it in her bucket. :D You can only look back now and laugh I guess but I was furious!

I have since switched to beach fishing! Bought myself some waders (I hated getting everything covered in sand) and now I have the whole beach to myself - no one trying to cast over my lines, no rocks to trip over, bigger fish to be caught and much more relaxing. Maybe you should give the beach a go! You get everything from whiting, bream, sambos, tarwhine, flathead, jewfish, small sharks, rays even the odd sand crab trying to have a go :D

Anyway, better luck next time!

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Thanks - the more I land fish, the more I convince myself I need to get a hobie or a boat.

Hopefully the next trip is some gurus putting me onto jewfish so I am hoping that one works out :)

HA - that what i did. got a fishing yak (not a hobie though).

i was out middle harbour about an hour earlier than you on sunday. Launched from the spit, paddled out past clontraf, grotto point, around to forty baskets. trolled 2 lures the whole way there and back for nothing. sounder was very quiet too. no bait balls, no birds or bust ups. Was still a great day to be out!

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Next time I will be more assertive because I let it slide to begin with but it was just plain annoying after a while.

Clifton was my favorite place too. Long time ago. Back then I took 4 rods with me. 2 huge ones, with 30lbs mono each, to cast left and right of me. To keep others off my back. That still did not help. One stage I had an old lady fishing between my legs. Then I bought an inflatable. 2.4m by 1.2m of personal fishing space. Heaven. Later on I added a 4hp, just to go a bit further out. It all fitted nicely in the little ford festiva. Setup time 15 mins, to put away, another 15 mins.

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I may have a hobie kayak coming my way soon. Looking forward to being able to explore further than I can with land based limitations, although I am sure there will r other things to overcome (finding a place to put in, dealing with inconsiderate large wake boats)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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What finally made me give up there was one night I had a yakka out live - a lady cast her line over mine, reeled it in, pulled up my line - took my yakka off my hook and put it in her bucket. :D You can only look back now and laugh I guess but I was furious!

I will never go back to Clifton for the same reason too. People there have no common sense or consideration for other fishos. I have found that carrying a small multi-tool (with scissors) in my pocket helps. When they cast over me and I have to wind in my line, I don't try to untangle it, I just snip theirs. or if they are are too close i.e. I can reach their line with my hands without moving my feet, and after mentioning it to them that they are too close, then I just casually reach over and snip it at the reel.... they soon learn. :D

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I will never go back to Clifton for the same reason too. People there have no common sense or consideration for other fishos. I have found that carrying a small multi-tool (with scissors) in my pocket helps. When they cast over me and I have to wind in my line, I don't try to untangle it, I just snip theirs. or if they are are too close i.e. I can reach their line with my hands without moving my feet, and after mentioning it to them that they are too close, then I just casually reach over and snip it at the reel.... they soon learn. :D

Tangling is one thing, but snipping someone's line at the reel for being close, (unless they have 10 rods all over you) is not the best thing to do. Places like Clifton's, when they get packed you usually have to be fishing within a metre of someone else. It's a big put off for me too and there are plenty of other spots that produce the same if not better quality fish that aren't quite as packed.

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If the guy I had setup 1m behind me that would have been fine, but he was seriously less than 1ft, and he setup a chair which gave me about a 2ft by 3ft box to work in at the end of the wharf, despite the rest of the place being open when he got there. On top of that as soon as someone got a bite they would rush in, cast out where that person was a leave a rod there, sometimes having to do so leaning around the person there in the first place. It is just incredibly rude.

I just had to take satisfaction in that between the height of his chair, and me leaning onto the railing in the little space I had, I was practically letting off in his face whenever I needed to fart.

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Sorry but I've been following this thread with amazement. Why would anyone go and fish a place like that? Is it the only place to fish in the area?

RichieR, that story of the lady stealing your yakka is truly unbelievable. I laughed for an hour! :)

Sgtbundy, I suggest you find another place to fish!

There is obviously no etiquette at all at that wharf. If someone stolen my fish, they'd want to be able to swim!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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I went there because I have read reports that it occasionally has pelagics and the like show up, and it does go out into some fairly deep water with what seems to be a fair bit of squid activity around it. I was just hoping there might be something interesting pop up and because it offers a bit of reach out into the harbour. I have only ever bothered to go there during a weekday when I have had a day off, I would not even try on weekends and after hours the lock the gates.

I have had similar experiences at Balmoral wharf as well - crowded in, people taking up lots of space. I tend to avoid both now for that as well as the extortionate parking Mosman council asks for.

I have been trying to explore other areas as I have only started fishing around the harbour this year, mostly sticking to the north as its a little less hassle to drive to for me. I have not found many places yet that are either parking friendly, accessible out of hours or not overly crowded. I have been thinking I should start checking out down south for options but I don't know that areas as well.

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I know what you all mean about Clifton I used to fish there once a week but then one day.

Me and the fisherman6784 got there and there was nobody set up in our favourite corner spot and tried to catch yakkas. We had our big rods straight down off the wharf because that's were we had the most success. Anyway at about 1pm there were around 20 people on the wharf and these two guys right next to us they had about 20 rods out at one time casting all over the place claiming the whole wharf one even decided to move my rod out of the corner and put his there and move mine it then got stuck on the wharf and I had to re rig it got worse and we pretty much got moved out of our favourite spot by all these buckets and rods. We left 2 rods out and the fisherman 6784 went to catch yakkas on the steps while I watched the rods. This big guy decided he wanted his rod in the exact spot of the fisherman6784's rod so what dose he do slide it over it falls and fisherman6784's brand new (first time he used it) $100 rod snaps in half what dose he do walk away and leave it I said why did u do that he just walked over like he didn't hear me and proceeded to fish. I didn't want to start a fight with this guy I was only 12 and he was it least triple my size and I didn't tell the fisherman6784 intil we left what happened any way the fisherman6784 comes back and is really angry and says who did that this guy says nothing.

This is a real shame because it's not a bad spot if your fish it properly and I've caught some good fish there. I've been back once and caught nothing and just spent the whole time untangling others lines who are dumb enough to cast them straight over you.

What I've done now is try to find my own spots by using google maps and walking in or just fishing soft plastics west of the harbour bridge I've been a lot more successful doing this.

Cheers sydneyfisher12

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Definitely get yourself a yak mate. you'll catch so much more and have all the space you need. the 2nd best thing I ever did to enhance my fishing was to buy a hobie pro angler in 2010. the best thing I did was later buy a boat

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Yep clifton gardens is a hell hole.

How do you turn someone or yourself off fishing forever? Force them to fish at cliftons on a weekend.

Linc how come you upgraded? I've considered getting a yak since theres less moving parts to clean. Is it safe yakking in the harbour? I've seen ferries send off some pretty large swells

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Yep clifton gardens is a hell hole.

How do you turn someone or yourself off fishing forever? Force them to fish at cliftons on a weekend.

Linc how come you upgraded? I've considered getting a yak since theres less moving parts to clean. Is it safe yakking in the harbour? I've seen ferries send off some pretty large swells

bit of a long story. main motivation for upgrading was my son getting old enough to get out on the water with me and I wanted to get him into fishing so it gave me more time with him a d more time to fish
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My dad has a hobie outback but he is thinking of replacing it with a revolution, and so he might make the outback available to me. I have been considering getting a pro-angler anyway but my kids show the occasional interest in fishing too, so I was weighing that up against getting a small boat I could take them out in instead. Probably leaning more towards the hobie (portability, operating costs, exercise I sorely need) though.

I definitely want to get away from being land locked though, if simply for the mobility to try new areas or fish places that are out of reach land based. Watching everyone scoot about on sunday just confirmed it even more for me.

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