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Legal land based king on 3lb powerpro!


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Took an inexperienced friend of mine out to chase some salmon bust ups from the shore in middle harbour as he has been banging on about wanting to catch one since my last report. Anyway i finished work at 3am and headed home to get the gear ready...pick up said mate and head out to a new spot i wanted to try at first light...

Anyway we arrive at our spot and i can just see through the gloom that the tide is about right for what i wanted. There were no fish showing as we walked onto the rocks...ah i thought...maybe this spot is a dud.

Anyway we start casting around...i had lent my 2-4KG outfit with the 10lb pp to my mate and i would therefore have to bash away with my 1-3kg and 3lb braid (i am far more experienced in playing fish than him so thought it would be better to let him take the heavier gear).

After about twn minutes i see a fish smashing into something about 30 yards infeont of me and land a nice cast about 5 yards beyond it...a couple of twitches and my little sammy 65 gets smashed...nice salmon, nice start i think to myself as it runs...but it doesnt stop running i was looking at the braid melt of my 1000 spool...then the backing start to follow suit and i start to get suspicious!

Anyway...not being able to believe that i have hooked my first kingie i assume it is a very large salmon...and i need new shorts everytime it runs as there are oyster clad rocks poking up everywhere infront of me and the braid is heading straight at them...i am waiting for that horrible PING any moment...but it doesnt come...i now realise jumping onto this rock was a bad idea as the only way off it without getting wet is a long jump behind me...to do that would mean almost certainly loosing the fish...but i had to get off to stop my braid contacting thw rocks infront of me...so i got wet! With the improved angle on the fish i eventually got my braid back, the fish is still running but less frequently now...but the braid is still dangerously close to contacting those oysters...then i see it in the water 'KINGY KINGY KINGY!' I shout to my mate get the bloody net!

And soon it was all over...to say i was happy was an understatement...for my firat ever kingy to come off the rocks on bream gear is epic...and i learnt something...bream kit is bream kit, its for catching bream...not kings...like i didnt already know that!



Anyway...to cap it all off we then changed location as it went quiet and my mate caught his first ever salmon...which he was made up with...



All in all a great morning out full of firsts and PBs...looks like the season may be starting early...thank god!

Edited by Longfish
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Cheers lads...still stoked to have caught my main summer goal so early on in the season...its all kayak from now on though...just need to convince my fishing mates that it is a worthwhile investment!

Edited by Longfish
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I would also like to add that for my mate to work walk the dog style lured as well as he did...after i had given him only like a 10 second intro was amazing to watch...he has a lot of fish in him in his life...but he will never be better than me!

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Guest Aussie007

salmon and kings are very fun on light gear but 3lb line mate thats rediculous :clapping: just wondering what water system were u in? u dont have to give up your location, i caught a kingy 2 months earlier than previous years last year, things are improving

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