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Rip Bridge Sunday


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Gday raiders,

Well I put the boat in a bit later than I wanted to this morning and headed over to the rip bridge. I couldn't believe how deep the water is there. My sounder was measuring 110ft deep. I ended up hanging there for about a couple of hours and caught another bloody ray shark. This one was over 1 metre long. I let him loose cause I was hoping for a big Jewie or flathead. So far every time I catch one of these I don't end up having much luck for the rest of the session. I ended up taking the grand kids for a cruise around the bays. Still had a good day on the water. There is always next time!!!

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Gday raiders,

Well I put the boat in a bit later than I wanted to this morning and headed over to the rip bridge. I couldn't believe how deep the water is there. My sounder was measuring 110ft deep. I ended up hanging there for about a couple of hours and caught another bloody ray shark. This one was over 1 metre long. I let him loose cause I was hoping for a big Jewie or flathead. So far every time I catch one of these I don't end up having much luck for the rest of the session. I ended up taking the grand kids for a cruise around the bays. Still had a good day on the water. There is always next time!!!attachicon.gifRay shark.jpg

Sorry to hear a slow session! The photo has loaded for some reason..? Interested on seeing what the ray shark looks like!

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Thats pretty deep. Didn't realize that.

thanks for the report

Yeah I was surprised also. I have read many reports about Jewfish being caught under the rip bridge. I will definitely be giving it another go. I have also read that whilst targeting jewies it isn't uncommon to catch raysharks.

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Yeah I was surprised also. I have read many reports about Jewfish being caught under the rip bridge. I will definitely be giving it another go. I have also read that whilst targeting jewies it isn't uncommon to catch raysharks.

I've fished under the bridge 100's of times, and never seen a jewy in the daylight hours....... No doubt they're there, but I've never had the privilege.

Night time is a different story though.

Not that I've caught one, but been in a few boats that caught them and seen other boats catch them.

Maybe give that a try instead mate??

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rip bridge is probably the most popular jew spot in Brisbane Water. The amount of idiots who anchor around it with no lights on what so ever (Because apparently is scares the fish) amazes me. Can't say I have heard of many being taken during the day there, Esp with all the marine traffic. But it's probably happened. I'll ask the old folks at the fishing club this weekend.

I took the missus and her family to Lobster beach on Sunday arvo for a fish and swim. Caught probably 10 just legal bream and a monster whiting.

Flew back to Woy Woy at WOT to try and beat the storm. Ended up going north anyway!

Also. Interesting listening to the ferry captain give some bloke a flogging on the VHF for hogging all of Woy woy wharf!

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I was down their having a quick session off the shore mid morning. Saw a couple of guys in a boat on the ocean side of the bridge wetting a line. That wouldn't of been you by any chance?

I was on the right side of the bridge on the ocean side at around 8-10 am. You can't miss me. The boat has a new blue canopy. I was on my own in the morning. Give me shout if you see me again.

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Goldfish - I certainly am no expert on Jewies, never caught one in my life. It may be worth anchoring up there one warm summers evening and try for the elusive Jewie. I would have been happy with a nice big flatty instead of those pesky raysharks.

Belligero - If I do anchor up near the bridge I will remember the lights. I have 3 on the boat. Sounds like you had a nice day at Lobster. It's a beatiful little spot there. Water is very clear. You did well catching all those bream. What bait were you using mate?

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Goldfish - I certainly am no expert on Jewies, never caught one in my life. It may be worth anchoring up there one warm summers evening and try for the elusive Jewie. I would have been happy with a nice big flatty instead of those pesky raysharks.

Belligero - If I do anchor up near the bridge I will remember the lights. I have 3 on the boat. Sounds like you had a nice day at Lobster. It's a beatiful little spot there. Water is very clear. You did well catching all those bream. What bait were you using mate?

Green prawns. Never really fished around there before. Now I think I'll use it as a whiting spot.

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Yep Rip Bridge is very deep in the middle.

My 2 cents, fish the sides rather than the middle. Fish may hold in the middle but venture out during the lead up to the tide changes which represents the best chance to hook into a Jew.

Also your chances of keeping a bait on the bottom in the middle are almost zero unless you use a massive snapper lead. Always fun watching people drift through there at 100 miles per hour with their baits almost on the surface.


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There are easier places to fish than the Rip. Its too deep and the run is too fast. Its 100ft -> 10ft under the bridge -> 100ft on the other side. If you want to fish there fish in the bay's on the Eastern side of the bridge, or in near Orange Grove.

Jew are very lazy fish, they will avoid fast running current.

I personally think there are better places, find a good hole in shallower water, or find the bait (mullet/tailor in the back channels or squid on the edge of weed beds).

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Tough spot to fish because of obvious current. You only have a 1 hour window on big tides or 2 hour on smaller tides if you are out over the deepest parts. If you throw wind into the mix it can be a nightmare. With eddies and wind blowing the boat all over the place it can be tangle city. A drogue/sea anchor can be essential. As stated, use heavy leads if necessary and only fish 2 lines. Otherwise drift, move about throwing plastics. There are fish there day or night.

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