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New Years Fishing Resolution 2015! What's yours?


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Hiya Raiders,

I'm off to Scotland this week and won't be back in Oz til early January, so thought I'd get in and ask what your New Year's fishing resolutions/goals are before I go.

I've got a list as long as my arm, some of which include:

1) Catch my first jewy or kingy, I don't care what size but I want to feel the line zing!

2) Break the 50 cm flatty mark.

3) Buy either a blackfish or Heavy SP outfit.

4) Bag out on a species for the first time ever.

5) Try a few freshwater spots within a day's drive of Sydney.

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1. Land a kingy is #1 on my list

2. Jewie on SP

3. Improve SP technique

4. Explore more landbased spots instead of sticking with convenient ones, and experiment with fishing techniques with both bait and lures

5. Catch squid (currently have caught 1)

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To actually go fishing!! That would be handy........

I live on a river and barely get a chance to even look at it, let alone fish in it. And take the boat out more, taken the boat out only once this year so far!! :(:(:(

(In my defence though, I've been renovating my house and backyard since end of summer. And that kinda takes up A LOT of time;))

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Same as I have this year:

1. A jewfish

2. A kingfish

Then once I have them it will change to upgrading sizes of those :)

And seeing as Ryder has me as one of his goals I better make sure I dont let him down :)

And maybe:

3. Finally decide on and finance a kayak or boat

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  • 3 weeks later...

G'day Raiders

I hope everyone is looking forward to this years fishing and that Mother Nature floods our oceans and rivers with ginormous numbers of our finned friends.

Last year I set myself some personal fishing goals and am reasonably happy to have succeeded on most.

1. Break at least two PB's

2. Save up for and buy a boat

3. Catch my first jewfish

4. Catch my first legal snapper

5. Learn ( and get reasonably good at ) squidding

I managed to tick off 1,2 and 3 last year ! So this year id like to tick off the remaining two items as well as a new one, save up for and buy a Bimini cover for my renegade.

So.... I'm really interested to hear what others have planned for this year ? !

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