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Windang 06/02/15


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Solo mission to the lake bright and early today for these flatties and garfish.

Flatties caught drifting with squirties from my previous trip.

Huge school of garfish seen feeding so made the most of them for a feed/bait using pollard for berley and tiny pieces of my dough concoction.

I'm off to be inprisoned now for the next few hours(work) but should be let out on home visits.

As usual a portion of my capture was given to a bloke plugging away on the jetty on my return.

Thanks for looking.post-20199-0-18147300-1423188254_thumb.jpg

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Great job man! I love gars, only really learned to catch them a month or two before Christmas thanks to the good folks on this here site. Two ways I cook them are a) scale, gut and de-head them, then spread the fillets skin-side up on a chopping board. Next roll a rolling pin or similar firmly over the fish a few times. Turn them over and you can pull out the spine with most of the bones pretty easily. You can fry or grill them after that. Second option is to poach them- again, scale gut and de-head the fish, then put them in a pan of cold water with any aromatics you want to add, turn the heat on at its lowest setting, cover then remove the gars when it comes to the boil (usually around 20 mins). Once they're poached, the meat just falls off the spine and you can put it in salads and stuff.

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Going fishing,gars are fantastic eating if cooked and preped properly.

Hooked up,Adamski has described the prep that basically I use also.

Ryder,I try to cover all bases as much as I can with the limited resources I have at my disposal where possible.

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