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Upper Cowan Creek, Coal and Candle, Akuna Bay


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G'day Everyone first chat :yahoo:,

So my dad and myself are hiring a boat for three hours at Akuna bay in Cowan creek some time over the next few weeks, I've read that there are good catches of leatherjacket coming out of there but not sure. Anyway just wondering if anyone had any tips on spots,what fish we might catch, what tackle to use or what bait, lures etc.we should be using. We are planning to fish with prawns, squid, live nippers and live yakkas around cottage point and . But any info or help would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by Schembo1
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  • 2 years later...

Hi schembo, there are definately leatherjacket coming out, some thumpers too (if you know how to catch them)  all those types of bait mentioned work. There are jewfish, hair tail, tailor, bream, bonito, whiting, leatherjacket, baby snapper, flathead, grunter, squid and yakkas (that I know of) by the truckload at Illawong point/bay down coal & candle close to Akuna bay. Any tackle from 4' rods and 2 pound line to 12' rods and 50 pound line will work. From floats to bottom fishing there is a range of ways to fish here. Lures have never worked for me but I'm terrible at them so that's just me. Land based is also good, if you decide to come back. Loads of fish dwell near the drop offs so don't worry.  

Good luck and enjoy. 


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