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PB Tailor before work! 08/04/15


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Have been itching for a fish as only got a small sesh in over the weekend.

Got up at 5am and headed down to the local to flick some plastics and have a quick spin on the metals before work. Also decided to give a new soft vibe id purchased the night before a run.

2 small snapper off the squidgy pro prawn plastics and nothing from spinning my 18g metals I decided to whack on the soft vibe.. having used them a couple of times before I had a basic understanding of how they work.

first cast and a slow retrieve resulted in nothing.. but the second cast I allowed the vibe to flutter to the bottom.. one hop.. two hop and a fast retrieve i feel a bump and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... love that beautiful noise. At first i thought it was a rat.. it hit like a freight train and did not stop until I had about a quarter of a spool left! I only realised it wasn't a king when I started to gain line back.. it was a clean fighter.. no dives just side to side and straight runs fairly close to the surface. after about 5 minutes I get my first glimpse.. I had a slightly disappointed feeling at first when for a split second i thought it was another salmon.. then a good look reveals Tailor! I couldnt believe the size of it. The shaking really set it as landing became imminent.. i didnt bring my net down (stupid!).. in one swift swoop I reach down and grab the leader and pull it up and onto land! Only way I can describe myself was ecstatic.

Great way to start the day before a long day of work!

For those who are wondering I was running 10lb power pro braid and with an illusion 20lb fluoro leader.

I will try post pix now but im on my phone and not sure if you can without computer. If not i will when im home :)

Equal 5th on tailor on lures leaderboard too im hoping, came in from tail fork to head at 60cm!

P.s He was released to fight another day :)

Edited by OldMateJon
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That's a great size tailor mate and gee look at them teeth. The stuff of nightmares, I once had a tailor rip my thumb straight open while trying to get the hook out of his mouth. You don't realise how nasty those teeth are until you see them at that size !

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A good fish.

Have caught a couple around that size on a 10 pound hand line, they do fight quite hard.

At that size, the flavour is a bit strong for eating, so good on the release.

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