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30/04 Lilli pilli sesh


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Hey Raiders,

So after training my client today, I went out with a friend who was busting for a fish after his international marketing exam. I picked him up at about 2:30pm and head off to Wally's to have a flick. When we pulled up at Wally's the whole place was filled with trucks and boats working on a new pontoon/repairing the old one, i think? So the whole area was off limits. Thus we head off back up the hill and move on to lilli pilli.

Upon arrival, we saw an old greek man pull up a few big black leatherjackets and trevally so we were keen to have a flick ourselves. I started by picking up about 10 or so undersize snapper (5-25cm) and then finally something hit, and it felt big. Started to pull a little drag and man it was fun on a 2-4kg rod, soon enough we saw something silver flash up on the surface and down went the net to scoop up the first trevally of the day! It went approximately 32cm, excuse my pics below, couldn't place the fish properly as it was super slimy. After few snapper later, my mate got snagged on someone elses lost line in the drink and as I went to help him my rod bent down hard and as I struck with one hand, someone fat was on again. Still helping my mate, I started reeling and at this stage we dropped the snagged rod and got the net, as we went down to scoop him, out came the hook and off swam the fish, it looked a good 35cm+. A few more casts in, I was hooked onto something subtle, almost didn't realise I had something on the end of the line and I pulled up a big fat yellowtail scad at 27cm, can someone confirm for me please? (It's the first time I've gotten one so I'm not sure haha). Also are they good for bait? And if so how do I prepare it? Live bait for big fish, or cut to pieces? As we broke off the snagged line, I kept casting and as I thought i landed the perfect cast right next to a boat, I felt a giant tug and the fight began. For a good 3-4 minutes I fought this sucker and I was so eager to get him out of the water as he looked quite huge. Luckily the net was super handy this time and we brought it up. Went a nice 38cm and it was quite fat too. Again sorry for the lopsided fish in the pic, couldn't straighten him as he kept flopping. Fished on for a few more little pickers and then the sun set so the bites left aswell.

Took the fish home to a happy mum whose preparing a nice big chinese feast for Saturday! Saved her some money buying fish from the market.

Happy fishing,



Happy me



Fat yellowtail


1st Trev


2nd sloppy Trev

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Allen_F. Nice Trevally - good to see the numbers are starting to pick up. Re: yellowtail (yakkas) - yes, they are generally used as bait - but I've always found that the smaller the better when it comes to yellow-tail bait. 27cm is a fairly big model. Loads of creatures eat yellow tail: I've caught kings, jewfish, tailor (you'll need a second hook behind the dorsal fin to get tailor), salmon, hairtail, flathead, squid, octopus, sharks (bronze whalers and hammerheads), and eels (ugh)

You can eat them too, if you're in need. They are related to kingfish, and the flesh is actually pretty much the same, just on a much smaller scale. To prepare them, bleed them immediately, keep them on ice, and then fillet to get rid of all skin, bones, and red flesh. You'll need about 3 large models per person. They go off very quickly if they are not kept cold.

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Guest 4myson

Well done Allen . From the background the water seems to have cleaned up a fair bit since the big rain , looking forward to getting out there myself .

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Nice session mate.

Trevally go hard for their size, and when they're on they're on.

Did you use berley?

Hey Ryder, unfortunately uni's been too hectic recently so haven't made berley. Just been throwing bait into the water and hitting whatever is in the area.

Well done Allen . From the background the water seems to have cleaned up a fair bit since the big rain , looking forward to getting out there myself .

Water is heaps clearer now! Get out for a session after tonight storm :D

Nice one there were u guys fishing near the pool? I fish there often it's a nice little spot also whallys I love it since its Got a toilet lol

Yes, we were fishing near the pool, but damn those stupid birds kept eating all the little snapper I was tossing back. So damn annoying. If you ever see two asian kids fishing there, one with a big utility belt on. Come and say hi! I'm wearing the belt with baitbox hahaha. Btw wally's was closed for fixing or whatever they were doing to it.

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Haha I'm Asian Too bro. I haven't been back to lilli pilli for a few weeks because every time I go there it's all packed!! End of the bridge.. Was at wallys last Sunday night. There were a little white pontoon there attached to the normal fixed pontoon! We left like 12pm! A group of young indigenous family arrived with a baby on a pram!!! Yup! Baby on a pram!! What even surprise me was. They detached the portable white pontoon and started doing sTupid things.. We left and didn't bother saying anything.

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Great post and pics, Would like to see some pics of your Mum's effort at cooking the Trev's, and the recipe.

BTW those fat little yakka's make great sashimi. Always carry some soy and wasabi with you, Yum.



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Haha I'm Asian Too bro. I haven't been back to lilli pilli for a few weeks because every time I go there it's all packed!! End of the bridge.. Was at wallys last Sunday night. There were a little white pontoon there attached to the normal fixed pontoon! We left like 12pm! A group of young indigenous family arrived with a baby on a pram!!! Yup! Baby on a pram!! What even surprise me was. They detached the portable white pontoon and started doing sTupid things.. We left and didn't bother saying anything.

Awesome! Come say hi to your asian brother, if we ever bump into each other! Maybe we already have without knowing haha. Yeah that little detachable pontoon was the best, it let me cast freely away from a big family of people :D Pretty devastating that someone would detach the pontoon and let it drift off... So inconsiderate!!!! :ranting2:

Great post and pics, Would like to see some pics of your Mum's effort at cooking the Trev's, and the recipe.

BTW those fat little yakka's make great sashimi. Always carry some soy and wasabi with you, Yum.



Hey Paikea, I'll definitely put up some pics of the feed after she cooks it! If i know yakkas made good sashimi, I woulda devoured this one quick, I was starving when I caught it haha, definitely putting wasabi and soy sauce in my tackle box next time :D

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Fresh Yakka flesh fished in a berley trail is very effective. Fillet the fish, cut the fillets into small strips and float down the trail. Size of strips depends on size of hooks. Using a 1/0 octopus try around 10x30 mm or smaller. Use the carcass as part of the berley, broken up. Easy from a boat, still manageable land based if you have a run in or out current you can work with.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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As requested! Trev cooked up for dinner, asian style. Mums secret recipe with tons of chilli.

Wow and Wow again! Best looking Trev dinner ever.

Now if you can get your Mum to pass on her recipe we will all be eternally grateful.



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