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No faith in humanity


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Today I have lost almost all my faith in humanity. This afternoon I was taking the young bloke for a fish (3yo) and launched at Revesby beach. After launching I was tying my boat to the jetty when a jet ski did a 360 right beside my boat spraying my self and my son (who was in the boat) with water. When I asked him why and did he realise there was a kid in the boat he swore and carried on as I am sure most can imagine.

I walked away parking the car and when I came back he took a running jump onto the jetty pushing me off the jetty and onto the ramp. He then got in his car and fled.

Another boatie did witness what happened but was reluctant to come forward as he feared reprisals.

I am OK, a bit sore but nothing a few bears won't fix. What is really sad is people like my attacker that behave that way. I can not think of any reason why he attacked me, except perhaps for race, but even that is a long shot. I am very pleased I don;t have to live with that level of hate and such a volatile temper.

Anyways, tight lines!

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Guest 4myson

If you ask me they should BAN all Jet Ski , there nothing but a "F-en" NUISANCE !!!! They never show any RESPECT or COMMON SENSE around Boaters . They think they own the water way !!!!

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Mate I would probably be in jail if someone done that to me, what a lunatic. Hopefully your son didnt get traumatised by it. While on the water in the georges I have seen some real dumb**nts on jetskis. They are obnoxiously stupid , some of them purposely come within 2m of the boat, I usually would just start throwing snapper sinkers but apparently they arent heavy enough to knock sense into some people. I suggest you call the police buddy :)

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Guest hawkesbass

I would get banned from here if i vent my true feelings after reading this.

Maritime has increased there patrols along the georges but obviously need to do more to get through some people skulls that their behavour is unacceptable.

Its a shame a nice day gets ruined by a peanut brained idiot.

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Don't lose faith in humanity. The vast majority live life with respect to others.

This guy was clearly a *wat

And to do this with a child under your supervision boils my blood.

Karma will happen. Either by him blowing a piston Or by the next victim sticking him face down in the water!!!

I believe in showing respect to others but I also believe in eye for an eye.

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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Like NaClH2OK9, you can't lose faith.

Otherwise you couldn't drive or walk down the street.

So you met one, unpleasant , and their numbers are on the increase.

Report it to the cops, write to your local member, and the Minister Duncan Gay.

Sure the cops and your local member can brush it off, the minister can't.

Send it certified mail, so it must be signed for, and must be dealt with.

Sincerely Andrew

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Thanks all for the kind words. I think my son is ok, he kept talking about it most of the night but went to bed ok and slept through.

I did report it to the police but they said without the witness been prepared to come forward there's little they can do.

That been said I was very impressed with the police, even though they said they would loose they were still prepared to take him to court

Hopefully my knee stops hurting after a hot shower and some pain killers and I can go out fishing!

Edited by daniel944
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Sorry to hear of your dramas. Society seems to have lost their morals and decency. I hope your child is not frighten to go back out on the boat with you thinking that that type of behavior is normal.

From what I've heard it seems to be a regular occurance in that area and needs to be addressed. Hope there's a good outcome with this situation.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Guest no one

Pretty sure the police can do things even if there isn't a witness. Meaning you can do anything you want as long as no one witnesses it? That's bollocks!

Report to the cops, make a formal complaint, call maritime with the guys rego... Contact you local council member and ask them to help!

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what a weak piece of crap. if he was a big man like he thinks he is he wouldnt of fled like a b@@##@

Better you than me...you are smart enough to leave it alone, I would have choked him with 50 lb mono and ended up with the court case.

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Hi Dan. The sad part is we can not legislate for idiots.

I hope your young bloke isn't scared off boating and fishing .

If he is at all worried pm me and I'll happily team up with u at the ramp or take u out on my boat.

It's important kids feel safe an enjoy the boating / fishing experience.

I have no time for anyone that would act like that in the vicinity of a child.


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Hi Dan. The sad part is we can not legislate for idiots.

I hope your young bloke isn't scared off boating and fishing .

If he is at all worried pm me and I'll happily team up with u at the ramp or take u out on my boat.

It's important kids feel safe an enjoy the boating / fishing experience.

I have no time for anyone that would act like that in the vicinity of a child.


Good on you Daniel. That's the Fishraider spirit!!!

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Guest 4myson

Well done , that's the best thing you could've done yesterday . Get your young bloke out there again & let him enjoy the time you spend with him & hopefully a few fish in the mix ....

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Hi Daniel,

I can never work out the mentality of many of the jet ski-ers. But to hear of that kind of "ramp rage" from one really has me on the defensive. Other than that, the vast majority of fishos and boaters I've met are good folk. Even the our new immigrants want to do things the "Aussie" way. Keep taking your son out fishing with you and he'll realise that this was a one off incident. With a few good sessions under the belt, he'll probably forget it altogether. Hope the knee recovers, too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi daniel.

Firstly can i just express that i am very sorry that this happened to you and your son. In no way someone deserves to be treated like this. I hope your knee recovers quickly so you can get back out on the water with your son so you can have a good session and out weigh the bad. Very unfortunate the police can not do anything in regards to this.

Second i would just like to express my feelings in which this is not directed at anyone in particular nor mean any offence to you and your son daniel.

However i just dont think us "jet skiers" should be sterotyped into categories due to ones behaviour. Yes i agree there are more bad than good when it comes to jet skis but being a family that have 3 jet skies and with a family that has raced tunnel boats for many years and constantly on the water we always enter the water with the right ethics and utmost respect for ANY other boater and dont think we should be categorised or stereotyped into all these names. Nor should they ban all jet skies from the water. That is like saying due to the small proportion of fishos out there that keep undersize fish or exceed bag limits they are not going to allow anybody to fish in nsw. Just not right.

Just wanted to get that out there. Happy for any comments or feedback as a discussion only and as previously mentioned this was said to cause no offence nor directed at anyone individually.


Edited by Camo1808
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