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Middle Harbour Luderick


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Gday again raiders,

been a little while between adventures but here goes.

I had set myself a goal of catching a feed of luderick this year, as I have never fished specifically for them before but I do enjoy eating them.

This morning I had intended to use a float and dropper rig to try out a new artificial fly I had bought over the weekend, this if course only works if you remember to put the floats in the car !

Hmmm plan A out the window, what to do now, bingo I will tie the fly straight on to the 10lb fluro carbon leader and sight cast it up current to sink and drift back past where the fish were holding.

First try slurp yank miss, next try slurp yank miss, third try slurp pause yank twang I'm on !!! My first targeted blackfish and its on fly !!!

Played him for a couple of minutes then into the net, a nice solid fish and so strong.

Ended up with a full bag after about an hour this morning before work, most of the fish were male, ranged from 32 to 41cm and all fell to a fluro green artificial fly, they were no interested in the brown one at all.




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Guest 4myson

Great Cacthes there mate , seeing that makes me wanna get back into it as it's been at least 10 years since I've fished for them ...

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Great haul Andy. Looks like a mix of dark local fish and lighter ocean run fish coming in to spawn. Always good to get one on a fly. I sometimes use one on a 2 hook rig beside the real stuff. It's always funny to see them take the fly when the real thing is right next to it!

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