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G'day Raiders,

After being ditched by my daughters (who I took leave to spend time with on the school holidays), I got a leave pass from the missus and headed down to the river.

After 1/2 an hour of not even a bite, I moved location to my trusty spot a few km's from where I started. Immediately I was getting bites and it was just a matter of time.

The first fish was a stock standard bream, but honestly I wouldn't care if I caught them all day, every day. It's a bit of fun and just good to be out of the house (even better, I wasn't at work).

The 2nd one, I am not sure what it is as I have never caught one before. I think it may be a Salmon, but I'd appreciate some help with the ID (or confirmation).

I would have loved to have stayed longer, but the missus needed the car and I had to battle the M5. Anyway, twas a good afternoon.




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