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First Legal King


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Bit of a late report here

Headed out with a mate up to Pittwater on Monday (21st) and was on the water at about 10am with a plan to find a nice spot out of the Southerly.

On our way I decided to troll my new Rapala CD 11 lure that I had just bought over the weekend. Having never trolled before I thought I may as well throw it out to give it a try.

About 3 minutes later, as we passed Royal Motor Yacht Club, zzzzzzzzz my rod buckles over.
The next 10 seconds were mayhem, between me trying to get the rod out of the rod holder, my mate scrambling to the back of the boat to steer and the continual Southerly pounding us.

With everything under control the fight began, mid way through the fish fell asleep and then sure enough once we saw colour he made a b-line for the bottom. Having not hooked up the sounder yet, I had no clue as to how much depth I had to play with. After a few minutes we got him in the net and into the boat.
Both of us were so stoked as its the first legal king either of us have caught!

He went 70cm and got turned into some delicious sashimi and dinner for the fam and grandparents

Can't wait for summer


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Great fish mate! Lure as well :D Did you just cast and reel back quick? Or you spotted them before hand? Good catch!

Thanks mate

Nah I trolled it behind the boat doing about 4 knots, didn't spot them before hand but I know they like structure so thought there would be a chance they were hanging around the moorings

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