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G'day raiders,

I'm about to board a plane for Tasmania and I have a real phobia about flying! (Just ask the swordies) and it got me thinking, other than planes I'm not afraid of much else (other than the wife)

So what do some of you raiders do to quell your phobias?

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Just to heighten my anxiety, the boarding is running late, I've taken my tablets early then and I've been sitting at the wrong gate for the past 20 mins. Where's that friggen "back to the future car"

Swordy- ok maybe 2 things. I bloody hate needles too!

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Dentists! :thumbdown:

I hate them with a passion and i start looking for the nearest exit as im waiting my turn in reception! :1taz:

After neglecting to see one for 5 years i ended up going (due to noticing a teeny weeny bit of pain.....) and he had to pull a tooth!

So from then on i learnt, even though i hate dentists, i would hate more to have no teeth by the time im 50.... :pokey:

I begrudgingly visit the dentist twice yearly..

Oh, another one.. i have a phobia of being stuck on a roller coaster upside down for hours while they are trying to fix it.... not sure why i have that idea every time i line up for a ride....

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I'm with Stewie and SquidMarks


Can still remember after I had nasty bike accident about 30 years ago I had fractured my left knee, broken my right wrist and dislocated my left arm.

The nurses cracked up laughing with me going to jelly about needles. Big tough guy NOT!

Still to this day i'm the same.

Could never be a Junkie.

Then a Needle at they dentist

I'm screwed.

At least I'm not a wuss like Jeff about planes! LOL.


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i don't fear flying, I fear getting to the airport!

So much money and emotion invested all comes down to getting there on time. Once there I can relax.

As for dealing with fear, I try to rationalise it by asking "how many people have died doing this this week"

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Didn't think I had a fear of heights until the kids made me go on the Giant Drop ride at Dreamworld. Man that thing is high!!!!! It just kept going up and up and up then.....boom......free falling back to earth! I've climbed the harbour bridge no problems but I guess it's the different sensation from having your legs hanging over a massive drop.

Very happy when I walked away from that thing...

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I am not too good with heights but keep forcing myself to do them. On one of our trips went to the top of Sydneys Westfield Tower and felt very apprehensive whilst up there - great views though :sun: As a lot of you probably know I am quite a keen photographer and always have my camera with me on such occasions. I think "hiding" behind the camera helps me.


On one of our road trips between Melbourne and Adelaide we visited the Otway Fly. Again I forced myself to go to the top of the tower. I feel nervous just thinking about it now !!!!!


Took this one from the top of the London Eye - I was so pleased to get off that.


Think I must just be a big soft pommie :sun:


Edited by snatcher
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Alright, I'm waiting for the plane to fly back. The wind is at 30knots. Grrrrrrr! But I'm feeling a bit more comfortable and less nervous than I was on the way down!

On the fishing side of things. The weather was no good and I walk the foreshore quite a few times and didn't even seen a fish in water. They mustn't like the city life either! :)

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Just a little exposure therapy and you're already starting to get more comfortable!

I think flying up the top end 3 or 4 times per year would be good exposure.

Stay up there a week or so and fill the time in however you please ( fishing perhaps... just a suggestion) and fly back again.

Just for medical reasons obviously.

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Just a little exposure therapy and you're already starting to get more comfortable!

I think flying up the top end 3 or 4 times per year would be good exposure.

Stay up there a week or so and fill the time in however you please ( fishing perhaps... just a suggestion) and fly back again.

Just for medical reasons obviously.

Lol. I think that's a great idea. I'll try and run that by the Mrs! :)

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I am not too good with heights but keep forcing myself to do them. On one of our trips went to the top of Sydneys Westfield Tower and felt very apprehensive whilst up there - great views though :sun: As a lot of you probably know I am quite a keen photographer and always have my camera with me on such occasions. I think "hiding" behind the camera helps me.


On one of our road trips between Melbourne and Adelaide we visited the Otway Fly. Again I forced myself to go to the top of the tower. I feel nervous just thinking about it now !!!!!


Took this one from the top of the London Eye - I was so pleased to get off that.


Think I must just be a big soft pommie :sun:



Fortunately I don't have your phobia.

My phobias include my mother inlaw asking me to fix stuff at her house, and not getting enough fries ? when I get a meal deal.



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Spiders are my thing.

They stalk me... No really!

Huntsmen mostly.

I will see one in the back shed then, a few days later it will be in the tool shed.

Then in the laundry where the "boys" toilet is.

Then at the back door.

Sure enough, a day or so later I will lie on the lounge to watch TV and look up at the roof and sure enough

there will be one on the bloody ceiling ready to drop on me.

Sometimes, even worse they will hide in the crack around the car door and race straight in just as you open the door.

Then you don't know where the buggers are. Worse still, if you don't see them go in they will suddenly run accross your dash when you are the motor and scare

the bejeesus out of you.

Yes, not keen on big hairy spiders.

They don't hurt you says my wife!

So I show her the expert from Australian Spiders & Reptiles Book - Huntsman - Bite can cause severe local pain, swelling , nausea and vomiting.

'nuff said. (she remains unconvinced)

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leeches and being in an expensive china shop. I keep expecting stuff to explode

and I have to pay for it. Leeches get me when I go outside. I hate them. I've been

done more than 20 times. I know they don't hurt or anything but I just don't like them

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Also not too keen on spiders/snakes !!!! So being a daft pommie was "playing" with this huntsman up the Hunter Valley back in 2012. How it did not bite me I do not know. Possibly my alcoholic breath may have stunned it :sun: Well it was the wifes birthday that day.



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These guys are NUTS

I have trouble watching this!


My nieces husband is an electrician for a crane operator. He works on the largest ones in Australia fixing anything that goes wrong. Often has to climb out on the booms on the top of big buildings. He says sometimes it can sway more than 3m. Everytime he shows me the photos I feel sick. Seriously, it's not even half funny! I wouldn't do that for all the tea in china!

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My nieces husband is an electrician for a crane operator. He works on the largest ones in Australia fixing anything that goes wrong. Often has to climb out on the booms on the top of big buildings. He says sometimes it can sway more than 3m. Everytime he shows me the photos I feel sick. Seriously, it's not even half funny! I wouldn't do that for all the tea in china!

I might know him scratchie...

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