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Coffs Harbour


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Hi everyone,

A week or so ago I was in Coffs Harbour with my family for a few days. The kids had a sporting event to attend as well

as that we snuck in some fishing wherever we could.

We fished near the marina and Mutton Bird Island and were lucky enough to hop on a mates boat one morning for a

few hours before the wind and waves picked up.

We managed a couple of nice snapper from the boat on half pillies and some other rubbish fish. A few hours were also

spent throwing some lures around one of the breakwalls. We had 2 solid follows and hits on the metals that resulted in

bust offs as we were fishing light gear. Don't know what the fish could have been.

We also spent a few nights chasing fish using unweighted bread and prawn baits. Myself and my boys found

a good spot that produced well. There were at least 100 bream holding in the shallows, they would dart off in all directions

when we put a torch on them. Some were absolute stonkers, but they would not be tempted with any baits or lures.

We caught and released over 30 on each occasion on the first two nights. Most were in the 22 to 35cm size range.

On our third visit to the spot a couple of nights later there were about 200 Trevs there and a few Bream. My boys had

plenty of fun c&r Trevs and the odd bream. On our last day we also hit up a small lake in the hills 20mins by car from Coffs,

we were told the lake held Bass. We have never caught them before but were keen to give it a shot. My son Jono and I

tried a few different lures, and we had a double hook up on Bass as soon as we tried spinner baits. My other son Dan had a

servo prawn under a float that took a bit of a dunk and run. He lost the fish bringing it in unfortunately.

Heres a few pics.

The snapper, anyone know why such a colour difference?










I think this is a Fingermark Bream.


The Bass



Thanks for viewing.

Edited by penguin
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Very nice report John and the kids are growing up so fast.

You need to get them to join and enter their next catches in Catch of the Month :)

Thanks Stew, your right, time sure flys by and the kids keep growing.

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Great report and good to see a couple of nice feeds for the family. My wife is from Coffs and has family up there so we're up there semi regularly. I'd be interested too if you could Pm me a couple of spots where you had luck as I'll definitely be taking the boat up next trip probably over Easter

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Great family outing john. im planning our christmas trip. if you dont mind can you pm me where the land base location is? as i got 3 kids and they love fishing.

many thanks in advance~


Check your pm's.


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We've already made plans and booked a hotel for two families at coffs this December. I've never been there before but looking at Google maps there seems to be some nice locations for the kids to fish. Can't wait to get up there. I haven't had a chance to fish all year so due to work and kids (youngest is 2) I'll be the fishing guide for 3 kids between the ages of 7 and 11. However I also plan to do some early morning fishing on my own.

Should be great! :)

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We've already made plans and booked a hotel for two families at coffs this December. I've never been there before but looking at Google maps there seems to be some nice locations for the kids to fish. Can't wait to get up there. I haven't had a chance to fish all year so due to work and kids (youngest is 2) I'll be the fishing guide for 3 kids between the ages of 7 and 11. However I also plan to do some early morning fishing on my own.

Should be great! :)

Good luck hope you catch plenty, and don't forget to share your pics with us.


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