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Five Dock -Pet hate


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It never seems to amaze me how lazy some fisher men are. I can safely say that that does not include any one on this site.

the foreshore of our rivers, lakes and seashore are for everyone to enjoy, so why after what looked like a good night fishing for some one, is an eyesore for everyone in the morning.

Arrived at one of my fishing spots this morning to find a mess. Is it to much to ask people to clean up after themselves so we can all enjoy these facilities. I gave lost count of how many times I have cleaned up after these unscrupulous people, giving us all a bad name in the community.


Bin proves my point,

Tight lines every body

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UNBELIVABLE !!! With the bin only meters away !!!! And seriously how hard would it have been to flick the guts & scales into the water so no Little Kids would have to come across it ????BLOODY IDIOTS !!!!!!!!

Edited by 4myson
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Well done cleaning up.Unfortunately these grubs are everywhere in society leaving a trail of mess wherever they go.All you can keep doing is cleaning up I guess.

Some "people" have lost all RESPECT for things,other people and sometimes even themselves over the years which I put down to bad parenting from a young age.

Keep up the good work.

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Every time I go to Picnic Point i clean up after people. I have a dedicated tray in my tackle box where I place all the left behind hooks sinkers swivels and so on. Probably have around $20 worth of discarded tackle so far. There's a lot of grubs around.

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Frustrating isn't it. (but good on you for doing your bit)

While we are on the subject or rubbish I have to vent about cigarette butts.

I have an office in Parramatta near Westfields and I see hundreds of cigarette butts discarded on the footpath every day

ready to be washed into the drains and into the Parramatta River.

Everyday I watch people throw them out of their cars or just stub them out on the footpath.

Most of them would probably not throw a luch wrapper on the ground but for some reason it is more

socially acceptable to do it with a fag end.

Why is it that they don't make the connection.

What can we do about this?

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Great work on picking it up mate, but seriously I wish these idiots would learn that they are not the only ones who use these spots and simply put their crap in the bin. Just the other day at Toukley I was watching a group of people constantly throwing plastic bags into the water, which will eventually end up in a turtles stomach. I managed to fish most of them out as they floated past, but the biggest problem is there is little you can do but tell them not to!! :ranting2::ranting2:



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Unfortunately there are groups of people like this everywhere you fish - I just pick up all the crap and throw it out when I'm done fishing, all I can do really. Though what I'd love to do is pick it up when I see them and hand it back to them or throw it in their car, though I usually fish by myself and their cousins are usually only a phone call away so self preservation applies.

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Hanmouse and everyone else who picks up rubbish when they find it, thank you all for your consideration and efforts. I too would rather less folk left the rubbish in the first place but much as it is tempting I won't vent about those who do nothing, I will instead thank those who deserve it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I suspect they are the same people who pull into a McDonalds car parking spot, eat their meal in their car and then open the door and drop their rubbish on the ground for some poor bugger to step in. Usually the bin is only meters away - defies comprehension.

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I suspect they are the same people who pull into a McDonalds car parking spot, eat their meal in their car and then open the door and drop their rubbish on the ground for some poor bugger to step in. Usually the bin is only meters away - defies comprehension.

With you on that one.

Excerpt from a recent article in a Brittish newspaper.

"Wrappers and cups from McDonald’s meals make up nearly a third of fast food litter on Britain’s streets, according to a survey."
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