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Why do you fish?


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So p-ziller and his amazing father has inspired me to find out the reason behind "why do you fish"

I often ask myself what i would say if someone asked me why i fish. I sort of see the conversation (if getting deep into it) wpuld go a little like this.

Them: why do you fish?

Me: Because there is no greater feeling of trying to align all the conditions i.e. wind/tides/swell/moons etc and then putting in all of the hours to FINALLY land that "dream catch" and hear your drag screaming causing so much adrenaline.

Them: what is your dream catch?

Me: I am not too sure.

Them: so how do you know when you have achieved this feeling.

Me: you wont as you keep hunting for more.

Them: I dont get it?

Me: you obviously dont fish! Only a true fisho can relate.

Haha something kind of along those lines. (Excuse the pun)

So raiders????? WHY DO YOU FISH????


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Interesting topic !!

If I had to choose - I would prefer to score a feed above catching the one large fish of a lifetime.

That's not to say that chasing the dream catch isn't fun or worthwhile - I have certainly tried !

But I can definitely say that 95% of my effort goes to scoring dinner and 5% goes to dream catch.

I think my feelings on that topic are exacerbated by the fact that I always let the larger fish go :)

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Interesting topic !!

If I had to choose - I would prefer to score a feed above catching the one large fish of a lifetime.

That's not to say that chasing the dream catch isn't fun or worthwhile - I have certainly tried !

But I can definitely say that 95% of my effort goes to scoring dinner and 5% goes to dream catch.

I think my feelings on that topic are exacerbated by the fact that I always let the larger fish go :)

Everybody is different and that is what makes us human. Thanks for the response was great to hear other opinions :):):)

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For me it's a combination of things..

1) I enjoy being outside and on the water

2) Good chance to hang out with mates

3) Being able to occasionally bring something yummy home for the family to eat.

I think my feelings on that topic are exacerbated by the fact that I always let the larger fish go :)

Nah, you're just being smart about it. Gotta make sure there are still enough fish around for tomorrow night's dinner as well :)

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I go fishing because it provides me with these things;

Being outside in the fresh air

Peace and quiet, time to clear the head and think about everything (or nothing at all)


Opportunity to pit my wits against Nature and the elements

Chance of catching something for the table




Whether I'm fishing deep sea, coastal estuaries or the Freshwater Dams and Rivers there's always a challenge to be met. An expectation that something is going to happen, if not with the next cast...then the one after. The better angler is usually the one that has good knowledge of the target species, its habits and environmentpost-20708-0-65537400-1455644551_thumb.jpgpost-20708-0-75351300-1455644599_thumb.jpg and a stoic determination to catch it. Of course luck often plays a role, but usually only a small one.

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Fishing is my Sport. I specialise in Lure fishing in rivers.I enjoy the challenge of changing Tide and Weather conditions which affect how and where I fish. Vic Mc Cristal once said " a lure is a lie told to a fish " some one else said " fishing is an art , and an art well worth your learning '' I love fishing because of the beauty in the places it takes Me, the fact that it is an escape from the the reality of work and life. The skill in fooling a fish. The diversity of methods available to me, and the art of choosing the right one.The adrenalin rush when I hook up, the excitement of landing a fish. The enjoyment of cooking and eating fish. I enjoy the companionship in fishing with my wife, I get great joy from teaching her and seeing the enjoyment she gets out of catching fish. And don't forget the retail therapy side of it and the research that goes into what to buy and how to use it! Then there's the planning before each trip, and the sleepless night before due to excitement. Love it !!

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Certainly there is a common thread to this and I can relate to everything already posted.

For me the most significant thing is it makes me feel young.

It recaptures the excitement and enthusiasm for life that I know many of my friends lost as they

grew older... and safer and more conservative and comfortable.

It's as good as the night before Christmas when you were just a kid.. every time you go out!

Edited by fragmeister
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I was asked this many years ago and sent back the following response:

What I love about fishing...

Essay by Derek, aged 5: "Catching fish!!"

More seriously. I have loved fishing for longer than I can remember. I received my first fishing rod when I was five years old (I loved fishing before then) and I still have it. Unlike some I can't say enjoy a feed of fish so that is not my motivation but having said that I have always enjoyed being able to feed friends and family with what I do catch. In some ways on a primeval level I think it comes back to being a hunter-gatherer but if I was to look at it in the modern context then my answer is along the following lines.

What I love about fishing:

It is a pastime I can do by myself or with company.

When doing it with friends we can share in each others successes and failures.

You get to see places you would not normally bother going to.

Unlike most other sports the breadth of knowledge and skills to learn seems almost infinite.

What might work one day may need to modified to work the next day. You must think and adapt to do well.

You have a huge range of accessories to buy and play with.

To a degree it is an art as much as a sport. This especially applies to fly fishing.

On a quiet day it gives you a chance to do something while sorting out the thoughts in your head.

On a day when the fish are biting you don't notice time slipping by.

There is always another species of fish to catch or a bigger one out there.

I think you have more respect for nature as you learn more about it and take only what you need.

When fishing with lures I love the poetic justice of the fish picking on something much smaller than them to find something much bigger than them on the other end of the line.

I enjoy being able to teach others what I feel I can do very well and see the joy as it comes together for them.

I like being able to send a lure weighing less than a fake pinkie nail over 20 metres and settling it down so lightly on the surface of the water that it does not scare a feeding fish.

I like that you can go out fishing with just $5 of gear or $5,000 depending on what you are chasing or how much you want to get into it.

I like it when someone asks if you are likely to catch something your friends actually answer for you that you are. They have faith in your abilities after seeing the time you have put into it and the skills you have learned and shared with them.

I love being able to put food on a friend's table which would cost them hundreds of dollars if they were to buy it from the shops.

I love the warm glow felt after a day by or on the water.

I love the fact that I only need to catch one fish to make the whole day worth it.

I can go on but a lot of it would be variations on the above.

Edited by DerekD
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Guest Guest123456789

For me it's the food. Where I live there are no fish markets nearby. Anything coming our way is frozen. For taste you just can't beat fresh seafood.

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The biggest reason for me is filling that whole...If anyone else has suffered with addiction in the past or have mental health issues fishing is way cheaper than psychologists and therapy/meds. Or at least that's what I tell myself when I empty my wallet on tackle =P

Regardless, it is a beautiful sport and I love the environment so hunting new species and cleaning up rubbish when I'm out gives me a good buzz too.

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I have enjoyed fishing for as long as I can remember,and I can't see myself ever getting sick of it.

There aren't too many sports where you can be relaxed, then to be suddenly thrown into adrenalin pumping action. I enjoy the fact that we can choose from different styles of fishing, & the preparation leading up to a trip.

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I go fishing because

1) it helps me relax and forget things for the day

2)spend time with my mates

3)test some new fishing gear (got at least a dozen fishing lures i still haven't use )

4) catch all those fish listed in the nsw dpi site (saltwater species)

5)teach and show a newbie how to fish(got most of my mates addicted to fishing like me )

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I've been into fishing now for only just shy of a year. I always enjoyed the few chances I had to go out on a small boat with my dad, brother and uncle up in Queensland and try to catch something we could bring home, but these days I think my reasons are different.

Why I fish -

It's a relaxing peace and quiet that you can enjoy by yourself or in company.

It's a great space to settle your thoughts and get some respite from day-to-day stress.

I love learning about weather/tides/conditions and putting all the pieces together.

There's always another species or technique or challenge.

Spending time close to the water or natural settings.

The goal-oriented nature of fishing. You're out there to catch a fish and you have to figure out where the fish are and how you're gonna hook one! This is why I'm really beginning to enjoy targeting species. It's a different kind of satisfaction to specifically target a certain species and eventually come through with success (especially after a few initial failures). Flathead are a real favourite of mine to target.

That said, other times it's also relaxing to just drop a line and see what comes up.

It's a bit of a 'men's shed' too - gives guys an excuse to hang out and shoot the breeze a little.

I might cop some flack for saying this but at the level I'm at I wouldn't consider it a sport. More of an interesting and challenging hobby with an endless learning curve - always more you can know, always things you can learn that might improve your success.

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Mike88. I'm probably using the term sport incorrectly in the strictest sense, but it is Me verses the fish, and I do give the fish a sporting chance by using finess tackle. ( I need a smiley face here )

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I have fished for as long as I can remember.

I think like a fish. I understand moon, tides, weather patterns, wind direction, barometric pressure, water temps, currents,

bait source, species to target at a time of year, techniques, etc etc etc....

It's a basic hunter/provider instinct that we take to another level. The people that truly know me tell me that I am a fish!

It's in you're blood. Once a fisherman always a fisherman.

I believe that when you fish you are in tune with nature & the environment where you are at anytime, anywhere in the world.

It doesn't get any simpler or better than that.

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I am now retired, but have been fishing for close on 60 years.

Always relied on the saying....a bad days fishing is still better than a good day at work

Couldnt agree more. I have that on my car.

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