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Fishing injuries?


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Fishing for most of us is something we don't do everyday but when we get a shot we're all in for as long as possible. And that doesn't always work out well.

Not so interested in hooks going where they shouldn't but casting shoulders and throwing your back out type injuries.

Tell us what you've done!

Me, If I drive my tiller steer all day my neck/shoulder is about to give up, if I was lucky enough to have a 2 or 3 day trip I don't know how it would turn out

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Tendinitis in my left elbow, on the inside.

Often called golfers elbow as opposed to tennis elbow, which I think is on the outside.

It's from holding a rod too long, up to 6 hours.

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Well mate... don't say you didn't ask because I could be revealing a whole lot more here that anybody would want to hear!

It all starts about 12 years before the actual fishing incident but it's necessary that you have the background information to appreciate the injury.

After my 4th child (love them all) the wife decided (not surprisingly) that it was time for the snip.

So I went to a specialist who basically said, subject to availability of the scaffoldinging he was happy to perform the op in a couple of weeks.

LOL sorry about the macho joke.. had to do it!

Being the tough guy that I think I am I was happy to undergo the operation under a local but being the wuss that I really am I opted for a general.

Just goes to show there is a vast difference (or a vas deferens - click here for the obscure medical reference) )

between how tough I thought I was and how tough I really am.

All apparently went well during the operation but not so well after where I was left with a condition called detached testicle. It's about now that I am asking

myself why I am actually telling this story but what the hell, I've had a beer or two and self disclosure is easier the older you get!

This basically means that one of the family jewels is floating around a little more than it should be. Normally its a little tied in place with connecting tissue.

OK. So now the fishing injury.

I am out on the Hawkesbury about 2 years ago fishing off Juno point in the wee hours of the morning when a mate hooks up to a real monster of a jew. A long and difficult fight later

I am attempting to dead-lift a a 40kg jew on board ( my mate Joe had a hernia). Now because of the position I was in I ended up a bit cross legged and the subsequent strain forced

the renegade gonad , sumo wrestler style, back into the body cavity leaving me a little concerned and unbalanced!

As you can imagine this was a little painful and disconcerting and apparently imbued me with a very comical walk when back at the boat ramp.

Joe thought it was hilarious and fell about the place laughing in spite of my discomfort.

As it panned out the offending appendage found its way back into place by itself and all is well today.

OMG did I just tell you that story!

Just remember you younger blokes... you have all this to look forward to.



Edited by fragmeister
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Gees Jim, is this confession week? At least you can go fishing with a clear conscience this weekend now you've got everything off your chest! Lol :)

And Ryder, yes I'm suffering with tennis elbow! Not sure if it's to do with fishing, more about getting old I think!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Other than hooks in the hand my back gives me endless grief if I'm standing and fishing.

Did 6 vertibra when I was younger, and extra soft tissue damage to boot (bloody dirt bikes). Couple of weeks back doing the Mallacoota ABT the standing and casting almost crippled me! Luckily my boater had a couple of Voltaren.

I usually fish from a yak and most people say it buggers them but I find the nice chair I've got a whole heap better than standing!

Also sucks on long landbased bush bashes.

Did a bit of RSI on my wrist casting for hours.

Also...to follow Jims confessional lead...

Hopped off the kayak to take a leak in an obliging bush. Didn't put the shoes on. Managed to kick a %%%%%ly pear on the ground and get a cactus spin (solid 30mm long) into my big toe and the cartilage. Went to the ER after fishing the whole day anyway, they said "they couldn't find it",

3 days later I notice a lump in the webbing between big toe and 2nd toe, scratch at it...pull 30mm of cactus spike out of my foot. That was fun.



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Jim believe it or not there are many others with similar men's probs, they just don't talk about it!!!

As we age the back goes, the knees pack it in and the joints are painful. Eyesight acuity decreases and fishing trips get more difficult.

This is why fishraider is important - you can go fishing vicariously by reading others reports and experiences :)

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We regularly go to Cairns and always at least do one Barra charter. Took the girlfriend out as she also loves fishing. Went to cast with the GF standing behind me and managed to bury both of the trebles in her calf right in past the bend! Thought that was the end of the trip but the guide did some fancy thin with a piece of sting and pulled them out one by one. She toughed it out and took the pain! We kept fishing for then rest of the day! She was definitely the largest catch of the trip!

Needless to say I married her so I guess you could say I hooked a good catch...even if she won't let me forget it

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Well mate... don't say you didn't ask because I could be revealing a whole lot more here that anybody would want to hear!

It all starts about 12 years before the actual fishing incident but it's necessary that you have the background information to appreciate the injury.

After my 4th child (love them all) the wife decided (not surprisingly) that it was time for the snip.

So I went to a specialist who basically said, subject to availability of the scaffoldinging he was happy to perform the op in a couple of weeks.

LOL sorry about the macho joke.. had to do it!

Being the tough guy that I think I am I was happy to undergo the operation under a local but being the wuss that I really am I opted for a general.

Just goes to show there is a vast difference (or a vas deferens - click here for the obscure medical reference) )

between how tough I thought I was and how tough I really am.

All apparently went well during the operation but not so well after where I was left with a condition called detached testicle. It's about now that I am asking

myself why I am actually telling this story but what the hell, I've had a beer or two and self disclosure is easier the older you get!

This basically means that one of the family jewels is floating around a little more than it should be. Normally its a little tied in place with connecting tissue.

OK. So now the fishing injury.

I am out on the Hawkesbury about 2 years ago fishing off Juno point in the wee hours of the morning when a mate hooks up to a real monster of a jew. A long and difficult fight later

I am attempting to dead-lift a a 40kg jew on board ( my mate Joe had a hernia). Now because of the position I was in I ended up a bit cross legged and the subsequent strain forced

the renegade gonad , sumo wrestler style, back into the body cavity leaving me a little concerned and unbalanced!

As you can imagine this was a little painful and disconcerting and apparently imbued me with a very comical walk when back at the boat ramp.

Joe thought it was hilarious and fell about the place laughing in spite of my discomfort.

As it panned out the offending appendage found its way back into place by itself and all is well today.

OMG did I just tell you that story!

Just remember you younger blokes... you have all this to look forward to.




the operation story was way too much information!! LOL



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Jim believe it or not there are many others with similar men's probs, they just don't talk about it!!!

As we age the back goes, the knees pack it in and the joints are painful. Eyesight acuity decreases and fishing trips get more difficult.

This is why fishraider is important - you can go fishing vicariously by reading others reports and experiences :)

Too right Donna,

I must admit though its only in recent years that I have realized I'm not invincible.

Ho hum.... another bloke finds out he's not bullet proof. Hardly newsworthy is it!



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We regularly go to Cairns and always at least do one Barra charter. Took the girlfriend out as she also loves fishing. Went to cast with the GF standing behind me and managed to bury both of the trebles in her calf right in past the bend! Thought that was the end of the trip but the guide did some fancy thin with a piece of sting and pulled them out one by one. She toughed it out and took the pain! We kept fishing for then rest of the day! She was definitely the largest catch of the trip!

Needless to say I married her so I guess you could say I hooked a good catch...even if she won't let me forget it

Definitely a Keeper.

My wife broke a couple of ribs netting a fish for me last year.

Its not only hard on us.

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