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Family getaway at St Georges Basin

Guest 4myson

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Guest 4myson

Just got back with the family including the dog after 5 days down south & it was a CRACKER of a trip . The weather & the fish was absolutely amazing ! First day was a 2 hour fishing session just off Sanctuary Point with the whole family which resulted in 14 bream & 2 snapper all legal size mostly caught on chicken breast. All were released but 7 which where kept for a feed that night , Anthony was upset as he was the only one not to catch anything that afternoon.
The next mourning was a late start we all hit the water after 10am & the fish did not disappoint again with 11 bream caught by lunch which were all kept to take back to the Inlaws & our Neighbour Les who was looking after the cat. By lunch the kids were getting hungry& Anthony getting even more upset as yet again he somehow hadn't managed to catch anything again ! So we called it a day & spent the rest of the afternoon in Huskisson.
By Wednesday it was just me & Anthony to hit the water nice & early as He wasn't going to give in (just as stubborn as he dad) Must be the Serbian in him ...LOL... And thank god he came out as the fish did not disappoint him With his very first cast he was rewarded with a nice Flatty on a strip of steak which was intended for a bream & before you know it he had 6 other bream shortly after in the boat . By 9:30 the fish had gone off the bite so we decided to head back for breakfast But we were side tracked when we stumbled on a school of fish on the sounderpost-34552-0-58597500-1461339889_thumb.jpg so we quickly pulled up & sent some pilly tails out & before I could even set the rod in the rod holder my line started peeling off like a freight train ! I was worried as I was only fishing 4lb fluoro carbon leader & there was no stopping this fish !! Luckily after a battle that lasted nearly 10 mins Anthony manages to net a Tailor that came in at 67cm a new PB for me & the Gods must have been smiling on me as it was perfectly hooked in the corner of the Jaw away from those TEETH ! A few more cast resulted in a few more tailor all around the 40cm mark . We called it quits & left the fish biting as we were Starving.post-34552-0-43541000-1461339928_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-22866400-1461339958_thumb.jpg
Thursday we promised the kids we would take them to Jamberoo for the day so I was out the door by 7 to get a quick fish in before the rest of the family woke & this turned up to be a solo trip with only my dog Sonny eager to join me as Anthony decided he rather stay in bed (something he is regretting right now) I only had an hour so I fished the 1 rod my 1-3kg stick with 4lb leader & strip of steak which resulted in this flathead that came in at Bang on 90cm ! Not my PB but I was stoked to land it on that gear , After a few photo shots she was released back in the water of our jetty back at the house .post-34552-0-66162800-1461340015_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-36531700-1461340103_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-76479700-1461340061_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-39204900-1461340134_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-64876400-1461340160_thumb.jpg

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That's an awesome report Sasha. Nice to see you getting the whole family involved. I'm sure Anthony was bummed about not being part of that last trip. I could also picture his frustration on the previous 2 as well. Lol there's definitely some good fish about. Good to see you get amongst them. Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Guest 4myson

Thanks guys , It really was a great place we stayed at & much needed getaway ..Here's a few more pics which I couldn't download off my phone last night .post-34552-0-47174500-1461371607_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-89155800-1461371621_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-62818800-1461371619_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-67167600-1461371597_thumb.jpg

Anthony finally braking his Dry Spell & managed all this on his own in a 3 hour session !post-34552-0-78316000-1461371620_thumb.jpgpost-34552-0-92952000-1461371617_thumb.jpg

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Guest 4myson

67cm tailor ? That has to be the biggest I have heard of. Amazing fishing to land that with 4lb leader!

Thanks mate , If you see the photo I was really lucky that I managed to hook it in the corner of the jaw away from those razor sharp teeth ! I thought it was pretty big as well until I searched on our FISHRAIDER fish record section & was absolutely amazed as to how big they get !!!! Check out the 91cm tailor in there....

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Great family fishing trip with plenty of action, so glad that Anthony got his fair share of them. as well.

Good looking tailor and flattie.

You will look back on these days in the future and see that they were the best times.

Well done.

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wooooooooo thats some amazing catch there champ. im just surprise how you landed all them big fish on the 4lb leather and i keep hearing people say you need a stronger leader to get kingie, big flatty etc. but 4lb!!! im stroke

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Guest 4myson

wooooooooo thats some amazing catch there champ. im just surprise how you landed all them big fish on the 4lb leather and i keep hearing people say you need a stronger leader to get kingie, big flatty etc. but 4lb!!! im stroke

Thanks Papafish , definetly was a challenge & took a lot of patience to bring them in . I was waiting for the leader to pop but I was amazed it held up ! Been trying out this Diawa Fluorocarbon lately & been really impressed with it so far.....
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Guest 4myson

what a nice report, great trip mate

Thanks Basil, It really turned out to be a Great Holiday ....

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