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What's That Smell?


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Any one done something similar to this?

Noticed an odd smell in the shed the last few days... not terrible just a little sulfur smell.

It started getting worse so I investigated.

I was looking for a dead lizard or something but couldn't find anything.

Eventually I popped the lid open on my esky. It's one one those robust sealed types that has elastic straps and over center catches and it locks down quite well on the seal. ( I hope you are not having a bite to eat while you read this).

Well, I opened it and it was clearly pressurized and blew with some force, the most foul smelling gust of air I have ever experienced. Nearly knocked me off my feet it was so putrid.

Closer inspection revealed half a block of pilchards and a couple of squid tubes. The pilchards were a soup foaming with gas so I guess they were contributing most to the ungodly smell.

I figured the bin was not the best place for this so I took it up to the pool yard, dug a hole about 3 feet deep and buried the lot. Now my pool is about 40 meters from the house but the kids who where in the house came out saying " what is that smell?"

I made up a quick batch of chlorine and filled up the esky to sterilise it and hopefully get rid of the smell. So strong was the smell that you could detect it everywhere in my house and in the yard. I was half expecting someone to report it to the police suspecting a dead body!

Note to self.... don't do this again!



Edited by fragmeister
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A mate of mine had a similar thing, so gaffer taped the lid seal and left it for quite a while - weeks at least so he didn't have to deal with it. then circumstance and opportunity met so it was dumped in the garden of a non paying customer, strangely the interior of the esky has permanently changed colour

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Fire pit mate!

Was watching Low Range one night where a guy had an old chicken (on purpose) and was laying it by the water for the crocs. But he couldn't do it form the smell. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do it either. Not sure what would be worse, chicken or pilchards!

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Haha, I haven't left the bait in a sealed container.

You might need to buy a new esky. Smell is a very effective memory trigger.

I have left it in a bucket in the garage.

I found it after the day of 200 flies, they were all through the house.

Obviously the bait got maggots and they all hatched into flies at the same time.

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My grandparents had a caravan many years ago at Windang, with a fridge under the annexe. Over Christmas, they left the ham bone in the fridge, saying they would put it into the car at the last minute.

They forgot, and returned a month later to find green slime dripping out of the fridge, and a terrible smell. The fridge was taken away to the tip and the smell remained in the annexe for some time.

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A mate of mine stored his beach rod away in his garage with a small piece of worm left on the hook. A couple of weeks later the overwhelming smell cased him to investigate to find the rotting remains of a large rat on the hook!.

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Last year i came home from a two week holiday to realise i didnt close the freezer door on the 14kg box of pilchards..

The old freezer was iced over and thankfully some of the pillies in the centre were still semi frozen but the rest were...... interesting.

That was not a good day....

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A mate of mine stored his beach rod away in his garage with a small piece of worm left on the hook. A couple of weeks later the overwhelming smell cased him to investigate to find the rotting remains of a large rat on the hook!.

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That's a beauty!

Had a similar thing happen to me fishing off the breakwall where the Cook's River enters Botany Bay.

Had a bite on one rod while I was re-baiting another. Laid the freshly baited rod down to play the fish and a rat came out from in between the rocks and tried to make off with the bait hooking himself in the process.

Strong little buggers they are too! Cut him off rather than try and tackle the unhooking process!



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After the massive storms we had last year when the Central Coast had no power for over a week we forgot to check the bait freezer which was fully stocked with bonito. Long story short after a few weeks the smell was that unbearable it didn't take us long to track down the culprit, we literally ended up putting the freezer on a trailer and taking it to the tip the smell was that bad, the bonito had broken down to a black sludgey substance.

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a few years back there was a storm that tripped the electricity off to a bbq area where i was living that had a deep freezer full of bait and fish including a jewfish around 15lb......we discovered it about a week later!.....you know the rest!


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Yes, My boat at the time was on a marina.

Did not use the boat for two x weeks and in the time the power had tripped and the bait in the freezer went off.

Was greeted by a foul smell when next ventured to the boat.

Took weeks to clear the air in the cabin.

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