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Broome trip


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Hi Raiders,

Landed in Broome today for a mostly business trip but of course that's not going to stop me fishing !

Going to add to this post over time because I have a whole day charter on Friday but in the mean time even before I was unpacked I was down the local tackle shop introducing myself, buying some lures and getting the local advice. The guys there were great.

After I checked in I ducked out for a quick spin off the rocks near the Town Beach boat ramp.

I was using a paddle tail that got monstered by long toms. The locals tell me that they are all over the place at the moment. After a while they disappeared so I experimented with skipping the paddle tail across the surface and that worked a treat as it was soon smashed by a Queenfish. No record fish but my first one so I was pretty happy .

Got a couple more , only small again but a lot of fun anyway.

They tell me the thread fin salmon and Barra are on in the creek on low tide so I will be giving that a nudge as soon as I can.



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Threadfin Salmon are much better all round than Barra, better fighters, better on the plate, maybe not quiet as good looking as a barra but better in other areas that matter.

A dream of mine which has never come true, fishing Broom and the west coast.

Make the best of it while you are there.


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Can't be there with you Jim so have to settle for the next best thing...reading your reports. You sure it's business and not just some pre -conceived tax dodge? Have fun and keep us posted. Cheers.

No mate, it really is business ( unfotunately) but I am hoping to work around things to catch the top and bottom of the tides on as many days as I can.

Here's a pic of a little queenie I got on the first day.

Only a little fella but its good to see some quick action.


Threadfin Salmon are much better all round than Barra, better fighters, better on the plate, maybe not quiet as good looking as a barra but better in other areas that matter.

A dream of mine which has never come true, fishing Broom and the west coast.

Make the best of it while you are there.


Yes Frank, The locals have put me on to a spot I hope to try this week.

Mate while you are there have a trip with a charter, deep sea.

If you go on the full day trip you will be guaranteed a great variety of good fish. Cheers.

Thanks, I have a full day booked for Friday.ooking forward to that.



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Unfortuantely work took over so I have only had a few opportunities for a fish.

Friday is my full day charter so i am looking forward to that.

Broome is actually not that easy to fish due to the enormous tides.

At the moment they are neap tides with the smallest difference between high and low

Take a look at this chart and you will see what I mean.


The big range in tides mean that fishing slack water at high tide and low tide is generally best.

Land based this can be tricky because to get to the creek you have to get through this.


That spot incidentally is in Dampier Creek and due to the rapid movement of water you have to start trekking out

through knee deep mud on the falling tide just so you get enough fishing time at the bottom of the tide when thread fin salmon,

GT's and Barra are monstering the bait-fish.

Not a lot to report from that location except for a couple of small trevally. I will get back in there as part of the charter on Friday.

Spinning off the rocks produced plenty of these..


Much larger fish were busting up all over the place tantalizingly out of casting range. ... another one for the Friday charter.

Most of the fishos have small tinnies in Broome because at low tide this is how all the ramps look.


plus the swells seems very low as a rule (0.3m) you may as well call it flat so larger deep v hulls are just a drama to launch and retrieve and essentially unnessasy with such good fishing only a few k's off shore or less.

I was forewarned that land based can be difficult but I was dissapointed to find out the the Jetty is closed for repair. This Jetty is arguably the best land based location bar none and the locals are not happy that is has been closed.

Visited Cable Beach one afternoon and captured this


Looking forward to Friday and a serious full day fishing trip with a local guide.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Jim, awesome report so far.

Im heading up that way in August. Landing in Darwin then driving down to Broome and up to cape leveque.

Any help on takle, lures or spots would be hugely greatfull.
Also, what tackle store did you head into?

PM me if needed.

Cheers, Dom

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Hi Dom,

I posted the actual fishing day in another post.


Fishing Broome is a little harder than I imagined.

The big tides make it a little tricky to fish land based so I would be always fishing the top of the tide.

The Rocks at Gantheaume Point, Town Beach and near the boat ramps North of the jetty are good for trevally and queenfish

and Spaniards and tuna sometimes turn up as well but frankly the locals spend much of their time at the Jetty which hold big trevaly, queenies and some serious cod.

Heavy tackle and a long gaff or a cliff gaff is needed to get the fish up to the jetty.

Dampier is a hot spot for threadfin and barra at appropriate times but its a struggle to fish land based as you have to wade out in knee deep mud.

The best fishing is off shore where we caught some Spanish Mackerel, Macerel Tuna, GT's and way too many sharks!

Get yourself on to a charter if you can.

The locals use white feather jigs a lot although SP's and small chrome lures are also popular.

I went into tackle world and they were pretty helpful.



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