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Back from Weipa


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Recently returned from the annual pilgrimage to Weipa on the houseboat + 3 tenders with 5 mates. This was our 8th year so starting to get a better understanding of the fishing options if the usuals are around.

This year there are shed loads of bluefin, often within 100meters of the shore. We picked them up on the first day just outside the harbour leads. Not huge fish, most around 5kg some more like 8kg. All pull hard with screaming runs- especially when there's a shark up their skirt which was often the case.


Then headed down the coast to our usual spot at Boyd Bay where we moored the houseboat for the week and explored various inshore reefs, beaches and the Norman creek on one day.

The lack of a wet this year meant the creeks were clear and the barra not too friendly. We scored a couple of small ones - mine was only about 40cm and got monstered by a cod on the way to the boat. The cod eventually opened his mouth and I retrieved a wobbly looking barra in time to remove my soft plastic and return him a little worse for wear to the water - bet he was wondering what the hell happened that day!

Had some great fun in the shallows using small feather jigs and poppers over the coral reef in the corner of Boyd Bay picking up small queenies, trevally, coral trout and even a flowery cod - on a popper!


Getting the hang of how to catch tusk fish up there which are IMO one of the toughest fish in the sea and would pull a GT the same size backwards. We had to use 80lb braid and 80lb leader to get any off the bottom - and still lost heaps to the reef. The best was 5kg and is in one of the pics included.

Image 6.jpg

Also scored a decent spanish one arvo trolling back to the mothershp at sunset, took blistering runs that made it clear we had a mack right from the get go, took maybe 80 metres on the first run, then 50 on the next and thats on 30lb gear with a fair bit of drag. Turned out to be the only spanish we boated for the trip - hooked a few more but lost them either close to the boat or soon after the strike.

Image 4.jpg

Had a heap of fun on the ilght gear in the creek despite the lack of barra- plenty of different species of trevally, including tea leaf, diamonds and one weird one none of us had seen before with an undershot lower jaw (see pic) cod, jacks and small queenies.


Weather produced quite a few overcast days which were welcome in the heat and even a couple of light showers - very unusual at this time of year.

Anyway, another great year and we've already booked for next year!

Looks like I've stuffed up the pic attachment size but been on the pc too long already...











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Great report with a mixed bag of species of fish as well, makes enjoyable reading from cold Sydney.

I'd agree with you on those Tuskies, They pull bloody hard and taste bloody good to I recon.

Pity about the Barra but you can't do much about the the season that just passed and the lack of rain, I suppose its gives you another reason to go back, mind you by the look of it I bet there's plenty of reasons to go back.

The Trevally species your not sure about I recon it's a Cale Cale/ Longraker Trevally Ulna mentalist.

​Thanks for the report.

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Got room for another one next year? Cheers. Hi Neil well actually we do some years! I'll put a post up if we have a spare spot if we do.

The Trevally species your not sure about I recon it's a Cale Cale/ Longraker Trevally Ulna mentalist Thanks blackfish . I see why you're the fish ID expert!

Do you set crab traps or is this the wrong time of the year for them? Bessell 1955 It always seems to be the wrong time of year when we set the crab traps! Seriously though there are usually a few around but we have had only patchy success - spend too much time fishing and forget to check them often enough

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Wow phil, what a great trip! I'm sure your arms are a little longer now! You've got me really excited for my trip to Darwin in 3 months!

I've never been to weipa but with reports like yours and others it's on my "must do" list!

Thanks for the report!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Good report. Was there a guy named Frank there by any chance?

No-one by that name in my crew but Steve that operates the houseboats has 2 so may be he was on the other one?

Thanks for all the positive comments from other Fishraiders. I dreamt of getting up there for years and am lucky I can now go each year and I remind myself every time how lucky!!

Blackfish - I forgot to comment on the Tusky feedback - yes very unfortunate for them how good they taste…Although the big fella in the epic was sent home as we already had a feed that day.

Scratchie - while my arms were only a little longer I had some good bruises on my ribs and under my left arm from the rod butt - a reminder of a good trip!

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Another great trip for you Phil and thanks for sharing.

I'll be back up there early October and thanks for the pm you sent me - did you get any GT's this year?

Cheers, Brett

A couple of the boys had connections but couldn't bring them home. One was apparently VW beetle size so I think they were almost glad he didn't stay connected. They were in tight at Pera that day. We hammered that area with stick baits and poppers on a few occasions but they weren't interested. So overall we found it quiet on the GT front although Hookerbruce did well on the GTs on his trip a couple of weeks before us. They are funny fish, we've had them cruising underneath the boat some days but they just don't want to play?

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  • 1 month later...

Nice report. Thanks.

I'm of to Malolo Island off FIJI next week.

Hope my "T" Curve and Stella are as nervous as your gear would have been.



I'm heading over to Mololo Lailai island next year myself (I assume that's the same island) . I'm staying in a house near Muscat Cove and while its not purely a fishing trip I'd like to fit in some fishing while there. Did you do a charter or try fishing from the shore there ? Was it lure or bait fishing ? Any info welcome as I'll need to work out what gear to take . I'll send you a PM as well in case you don't see this as its an old post.



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