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Friday Fishing Report


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Hi Raiders,

Been so busy I haven't been fishing for months and my regular Friday reports have been non existent as a result.

I decided to go today and was going to head off early but things got in the way and didn't get on to the water until 6am which is not ideal.

I headed straight over to pick up some yakkas off the quarantine station and there were millions of them. They were ravenous and I very quickly got 10 or so and headed off. I went past North Head and didn't see any Salmon boils which surprised me.

Got to Long Reef to find about 10 boats mostly concentrated in one spot in about 20m of water. They looked as if they were targeting Snapper which have been around of late according to reports.

I dropped a live yakka down on one rig, then a paternoster rig with a squid bait on one hook and a half pilchard on the other . I then sent some burley down and tossed a soft plastic our for good measure.  Spent  a few hours there an the only thing I got was a big sweep on the SP( Never done that before).

Tried to get to my favourite spot but there were  a couple of Divers there.

So then I headed over to the FAD only to see other boats obviously coming back from there so I though that was not a good sign. I got there and spent an hour or so drifting past it with a live yakka, but there was nothing around. There was a lot of bait around it though. I threw some SP's at the FAD which worked very well for me last year but again, nothing.

Weather conditions were great though , about a 1 meter swell, no wind and not a lot current either. Water Temp was 20.2 so it needs to warm up a bit . Last year there were some good fish early and then they disappeared for a while and on average smaller fish turned up when the water temperature came up. 

Went down South Head and looked for Kings on the sounder. There were marks on many spots but I suspected they were salmon. Trolled a diving lure an a popper all the way back through the heads for one solitary salmon.

Went back inside the harbour and took a look at the markers but no sign of anything so I anchored up at Sow & Pigs for a while. The are still Trevally there around the 35 cm mark but burley is a must . Its thick with jackets at the moment . Only stayed there half an hour or so

Most of the way up the habour to the bridge from Sow & Pigs there were little bust-ups and I cast small plastics at them. I got one from each boil I tried but they were just 200mm tailor.

The biggest bust up was under the harbour bridge and they had some size to them ( Typical eh.. a place you can't stop or drift.. clever fish)

I could have a feed but everything went back.

Not  very productive day but I enjoyed it.

I hope the weekend is better for those who manage to get out.









Edited by fragmeister
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Nice report mate. Those bustups have been between Bradley's Head and the Bridge for a good week or so now, and each time I've gone under the Bridge I've noticed the biggest ones have always been in that no drift zone! On Monday there was a massive one right in front of the Opera House Steps, more birds than I've seen in the Harbour in ages. Wondered what they were, some looked bigger than little Tailor though, bot no-where that was fish-able. 

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Unlucky mate, some days the fish just don't read the script!!

I worked a half day and decided to throw the boat in at midday. Headed out from the port hacking and picked up some slimies and yakkas. I slow trolled from jibbon along the cliffs to Marley for zero touches. Sounded up some good bait schools but no takers. Sun was out and it beats working! Back in by 330pm after the wind picked up! 

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Great read Jim ...Funny about were you get bust ups . I dropped the family off at Luna Park by boat two Sundays ago & there were Kingy's busting up everywhere while i was waiting for the ferry to leave the wharf & as you mentioned "Right in the Spot where you can't Stop or Drift " Just TEASING me..... Very Smart KINGS .....

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