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Port Hacking


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Hi guys, just got home from fishing the hacking again with only one legal bream caught which we released and plenty of bream and snapper keeping us busy that were just shy of legal or way under with some small tailor thrown in as well.

We fished the entire run out tide around gymea,Yowie bay ,Lilii pilli and into swa both at anchor and on the drift using fresh prawns,pillys,chicken and salted strip baits to no avail.

Plenty of bait schools about with very dirty water and floating debris about in places after the rain and running over a small log at slow speed at one stage.

Water temps up from last week at around 22.4 deg and very little wind on the water and once again a beautiful balmy night to share on the water with my wife and son.

Other than forgetting our berley at home it was a grey night out with family time spent together.


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4 hours ago, frankS said:

Sometimes the Hacking plays that way, bet you still enjoyed yourself though ?.



Hi Frank we had a ball,Highlight of the night was me hoping out over the side back at the boat ramp and catching my shorts leg on the rod holder and dangling in thin air while the boat drifted back into deeper water.The mrs and son found it very amusing even though I had to save myself.Atleast I know those rod holders I installed can handle nearly 120kg of force on them.lol.

I'm stating to think that they come along just to watch me do something silly.

3 hours ago, Krispy ! said:

Always good to go for a fish eith the family mate good stuff

Even if we're catching weed mate we always have a blast.We enjoy just being out there enjoying each others company having a fish and a laugh in our own little boat.If we catch a fish or 2 great,but if not there's always another time.



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1 hour ago, beginner said:

Sounds like you were the catch of the day lol admittedly I probably would have had a laugh too luckilly you didn't get hurt.


Regards Nathan

I would of laughed at you too Nathan while I pushed the boat out into deeper water while you were still dangling off the side.lol.

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Hi Fab1,

As a dad to 2 little snappers I can re-assure you that a day out with the family and ticking all of the boxes below is a winning outcome...

  • Fishing time
  • Family time
  • One on one kid time
  • Wife time
  • & teaching the family how to fish

Great job. Looking forward to getting a boat one day when the kids are a bit older and doing all of that!

Cheers, James

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30 minutes ago, RexSenior said:

Hi Fab1,

As a dad to 2 little snappers I can re-assure you that a day out with the family and ticking all of the boxes below is a winning outcome...

  • Fishing time
  • Family time
  • One on one kid time
  • Wife time
  • & teaching the family how to fish

Great job. Looking forward to getting a boat one day when the kids are a bit older and doing all of that!

Cheers, James

Hi James,I tick everything off your list except the last one but am trying.My Son is 21 know and still prefers to come out fishing with is than anything else.

 A lot of times out on the boat and  at home we reflect on the good times we've been fortunate to have over the years when out and about and laugh at some of the things we did like giggling teenage girls.

My wife and son are my 2 best friends also.

We do everything together and prefer each others company more than anyone elses.

Boating/Fishing is some of the best quality time you can have as a family even if your not that good at it like us.


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9 hours ago, beginner said:

I hope that I can do the same with my daughter in the coming years, quality time with the family is so important cause if you don't do it you will end up driving each other mad no one knows whats around the corner.

Dont worry about making a fool out of yourself on the boat too we have all done it, I remember at Kissing point boat ramp a river-cat went past and the wake made me fall over, luckily I fell into the boat my mate had a good chuckle at my expense and he reminds me about it every time I see him lol.

Maybe its time for me to get the cobwebs off my boat and go for a run!!!





Get out there Nathan AND HAVE FUN. Cheers. BN

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12 hours ago, Fab1 said:

Hi James,I tick everything off your list except the last one but am trying.My Son is 21 know and still prefers to come out fishing with is than anything else.

 A lot of times out on the boat and  at home we reflect on the good times we've been fortunate to have over the years when out and about and laugh at some of the things we did like giggling teenage girls.

My wife and son are my 2 best friends also.

We do everything together and prefer each others company more than anyone elses.

Boating/Fishing is some of the best quality time you can have as a family even if your not that good at it like us.


That is very nice to hear that Fabian. Other raiders could certainly take a leaf out of your book.

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