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A Jews a Jew


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Went for a flick after work, keep the rods in the car and mostly fish plastic and lures. So if I have a spare  30 mins  I'll go fishing. Had 4 pound leader on with motor oil grub and a 1/12 jig head so was targeting bream. Got a few small bream then kept feeling a bit or something on a slow roll retrieve but no hook up. Decided it was squid so threw on the squid jig and bang got one first cast. I fish with a rod and a back pack and don't lug a bucket or esky etc around so I can cover more ground till I find the fish not vice versa. So threw the squid back, looking at targetting kingies soon so catching squid will come in handy. Walked a little further around to a little wharf and started casting and retrieving with a drop and lift technique something smashed my plastic and went for a good run straight away had the drag set light so took a bit of line after that it didn't take anymore and came in easy the smallest jew I have seen but still a Jew. 



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1 minute ago, mshuangchao said:

Haha, my PB jew is even smaller than yours

Mine too! Maybe as long as 15cm, fishing for whiting at North Cottesloe beach WA.

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Cracker of a fish ?

I too fish with just a backpack, but my backpack has a small cooler/esky fitted with a 5 litre bucket. Esky has a top flap for easy access. When I go for a quick fish I stop at one of the hundreds of Mac Ds and ask for a cup of ice (usually free) and my fishing setup is complete. Good for when you get a pan size for dinner.

I also have a 10 litre backpack setup for when I chase pelagics but that involves filleting as it's hard to fit a full sized fish in ?


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