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28/11 Little manly cove Another PB broken - bream


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So I'll get this started by thanking everyone on fish raider.. For the knowledge I have acquired by lurking these forums for a while. Unfortunately I only done some research on the age of breams once they get to a certain length after I had come home stoked about last nights leaving me with a fair bit of guilt. So please don't crucify me, I am fairly fresh on the fishing scene.

Me and my cousin were having a feed of Mcdonald's last night and we were having a chat about the weather.. One thing lead to another we thought last night would be too good of a night not to go for a small session. It was a last minute thing. 

Only around the corner from Woolworths went got ourselves some banana prawns and hit the road. 

Arrived at little manly cove not expecting much just abit of relaxation and any fish to take home for the fambam. 

Arrived there about 9pm to catch the run out tide.. Things started off slow with my cousin kicking things off with an undersized snapper.

Shortly after I was on to a decent sized trevally which went 36cm. Geez they put up a great fight back it went in. 

Had been half an hour or so with no action so thought I'd take my phone out and put some music on .. Holding the rod with one hand trying to navigate to YouTube I got some nice thumps.. Quickly handed the phone over to my cousin and after a couple of more thumps .. Boom got him he was on and he made me work hard trying to work his way around the structures .. Took me a good 3 minutes to get him up unfortunately had no net..  but that didn't stop me from getting him up. Meanwhile  my cousin was on also and we both secured the catch and it was hi 5's and smiles all around. I had broken my PB for bream which was previously 38 now it's a 43cm model. So double hook up of 43cm and 36cm bream respectively. 

I had just put my Bait on and I had just closed the reel with in a matter seconds I had gotten the same thunderous thumps.. This time it was a much bigger bream.. This one had me working extra hard went for 4 runs and it still wasn't giving up .. I had just seen colour and could honestly say this was the biggest bream I had ever seen in my own eyes.. I don't know if I had kept to much pressure on him but he went for another run and .. Wow my heart sunk it was gone. Brought my line back in and he had actually snapped the hook. I was devistated .. I'd be lying if I said I knew exactly how big he was but he was bigger then the last one I had gotten (COULDVE BEEN A DOUBLE HEADER ON TWO PBS BROKEN IN ONE NIGHT FOLLOWING MY LAST TRIP) I guess that's how it is though you win some you lose some. 

They were still on the bite but we thought we'd call it a night. 

We managed 6 Breams all up, 43cm, 39cm, 38cm, 35cm, 30cm and 27cm and a couple of undersized ones.

Like I said I only knew how old these breams could have possibly been after getting home having a shower, observing the photos then out of curiousity did some research. So please go easy on me hey. 










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First and foremost,as long as your catch is legal it's entirely up to you if you want to keep or release them and no one has the right to tell you otherwise.Good on you for doing your research and learning more about them too.

You guys had a great session and well done on your PB.Enjoy.

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Thanks @Fab1 I completely agree with you on that however considering these fish have been around probably as long as i have I only just turned 22 yesterday (guess the great session was a birthday present) there is that guilt of taking them fish regardless. 

But on the plus side now I know for next time. Hopefully I can keep this breaking my pb streak up haha. 

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1 hour ago, Arnie11 said:

@GordoRetired I think seeing so many fishing videos and other members releasing fish and condoning it put the whole thought of taking larger size fish home as not illegal but not really praised

I hear what you say and agree that it is nice to see bigger fish released, especially those bigger Flathead, Barra etc that are the breeders. The other point is that some of those bigger fish would not be so good to eat anyway.

I also full support any angler that wants to feed the family with lovely fresh fish, it sure beats what you can buy in the fishmongers. When I fish I will not hesitate to put any good table fish in the esky, within the size and bag limit rules, the other stuff goes back.. :-)

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18 minutes ago, GordoRetired said:

The other point is that some of those bigger fish would not be so good to eat anyway.

My wife says younger/smaller flatties taste way better, while size/age does not impact bream taste.

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2 minutes ago, savit said:

My wife says younger/smaller flatties taste way better, while size/age does not impact bream taste.

Completly agree, my favorite flathead size would be 40-50cm, filleted and rolled in flour with a little Cajun spice mixed in, then pan fried. Yummm :D

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Well done on a Great Haul of some STONKER Bream !!! To each his own in regards to KEEP or RELEASE ..

 NO ONE has the right to pass any judgement on you for deciding to keep the fish for a feed as long as they are of LEGAL size & Quantity .. So Congrats for getting out there & returning home with a great feed.!!

And on a lighter note don't worry about the Guilt Trip too much, Just last week I was watching a Doco about how much meat is actually used from a Complete Cow for "PRIZED CUTS OF MEAT" & You would be SHOCKED as i was ,Sure I felt Guilty But sorry to say I WON"T be giving up meat any time soon....

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Yes there is a couple of Tarwhine there.

Considering the amount of Bream taken in our East coast, your few will not make a difference, but saying that, if your aware of sustainability and every one tries their best thats great.

Excellent catch Arnie.

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Thanks guys, really appreciate the feedback and have taken all perspectives on board. Guess I feel a little less guilty since bream is the preferred eating fish in my family and I'm sure they will enjoy them later on tonight.


I had my suspicions pictures 5 & 6 were tarwhine, however did not know they grew to that size.

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