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tuggerah donuts


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spent 5 hrs yesterday spinning for flathead in tuggerah lake and the entrance channel...donuts...tried all my fave sps I use in lake mac but no takers...one flattie just bigger than the prawn style sp and an undersize tailor..after talking with two locals they seem to think the same as me that the fish are full of prawns as they have been moving of a night....next trip brouhgton hopefully

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Unlucky mate. I wouldn't pin your hopes on broughton just yet! I was there on Friday with a fellow raider. Hit all my favourite snapper spots. One hit on snapper (no hook up) and dropped a king! But that was  it. Very very quiet up there atm. We managed a couple of bonito trolling the islands on the way back, so the fishing will start improving shortly. 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

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