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A friendly reminder


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First of all happy New Year to all and I hope you are all safe,healthy and happy.

  As for me and my family it hasn't been the greatest Christmas  and New year period we've had.

Since Boxing Day my elderly father in-law has been struck by illness and had to be rushed by ambulance to hospital where he still remains in a serious state with my elderly mother in-law by his side.

  The rest of us have been coming and going and helping out where we can.

Christmas/New year is normally a very happy/sad time for us as we have my nieces b,day on 22nd Dec,my mums on 24th Dec,We lost my eldest sister to a terminal brain Tumor on Boxing Day in 2006(She was 42,my age now.) 

To make things even worse is we just found out today(New years Day)my mother-inlaws b,day that her Husband of 57years has Prostate cancer which has spread to his kidneys and various other things wrong as he only has one lung due to contracting pneumonia in his early 20's back in the 60's.

The point of my post is to cherish every moment you have with all your family and friends and do your absolute best to make time for all of them as time passes us by very quickly here on this earth and all that will be left of us is memories for those that are left behind.

I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me and my family.

I just ask that you all make the effort to go and see your parents/family more often before it's too late as I see and hear people making too many silly resons not to see their family's way to often.

Thanks for reading and please stay safe and enjoy the rest of your remaining holidays.




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Totally agree, I have started hugging my father and father-in-law when ever I see them instead of a handshake. My dad had bloodclots in his lungs 6 months ago on top of a few other issues. My Father-in-law was diagnosed with bowel cancer and had it removed the week before Christmas. Has made for an interesting time.


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3 hours ago, beginner said:

Couldn't agree more mate I had a few issues last year with family but I've put everything to the side and just decided to enjoy everyone's company and it's been well worth it we all have our differences of opinions but heck you must cherish every minute you have!! Fabian I truly hope 2017 is a good year for you and your family and look forward to reading more of your very informative posts. Keep up the good work!!




Hi Nathan,Can you imagine how boring life would be if we all had the same opinions/views?

I'm glad your enjoying the company of family again mate and if I have something to offer on this site I will continue posting.

3 hours ago, beginner said:

Couldn't agree more mate I had a few issues last year with family but I've put everything to the side and just decided to enjoy everyone's company and it's been well worth it we all have our differences of opinions but heck you must cherish every minute you have!! Fabian I truly hope 2017 is a good year for you and your family and look forward to reading more of your very informative posts. Keep up the good work!!





1 hour ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Fabian sorry to hear all the health probs with your family.

You are so very right when you say that you need to spend time with your loved ones - we are all only here for a short time and age will take us sometimes cruelly.

Enjoy every day ;)

Thanks Donna,Our Family circle has always been very loving and close especially when tragedy strikes.When this occurs we band even stronger together to help each other get through the tuff times.

I always make it a habit of telling my wife and son I love them when I go anywhere out of the house.

48 minutes ago, Swampgecko said:

Totally agree, I have started hugging my father and father-in-law when ever I see them instead of a handshake. My dad had bloodclots in his lungs 6 months ago on top of a few other issues. My Father-in-law was diagnosed with bowel cancer and had it removed the week before Christmas. Has made for an interesting time.


Sorry to here what your going through with your dad and father in-law as it's always a difficult time for all involved.

I lost my Father 3 days short of my 21st b,day to lung cancer and not a day goes by where I don't think about the good times we had as a family when both he and my eldest sister where still with us.I'm glad you've found a way to show your love towards your dad and father in-law beyond a simple handshake by giving them a hug.

I'm from Uruguay and it's common practice to give the adults a kiss on the cheek and a big hug when you see them for both men and women.The same when you see your friends,nieces,nephews and cousins.

I guess we are happy,loving,merry people.

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Absolutely Fab1.  Today we often take to much for granted. 

Family and friends are a wonderful asset and we must cherish every moment we have with them.

Unfortunately our loved ones will not be here for ever.

I hope things improve for you Fab1 and take care

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4 hours ago, shakey55 said:

Absolutely Fab1.  Today we often take to much for granted. 

Family and friends are a wonderful asset and we must cherish every moment we have with them.

Unfortunately our loved ones will not be here for ever.

I hope things improve for you Fab1 and take care

Your not wrong about taking things for granted  while we are fit and healthy.

  The good news I have is we just returned from visiting him and was informed by his wife that the Doctors told her the Cancer isn't as bad as they first thought and are confident they can control it an get him back on his feet.

And he is now eating and looking 10 times better than he did.

We will keep our fingers crossed that he is back out and home soon while we continue to support the two of them.


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