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Saturday 4/2/17


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Gday Raiders

Delayed report more so for informational purposes. Headed out on saturday with dad and he brought along a friend. 

Collected some livies and passed cape banks at first light, arrived at FAD 1 and drifted some live baits, pillie cubes, tried salted stripie fillets but could only manage small kings which seem to be plaguing the FADs this year. stayed there for about an hour and a half before we thought wed give the Botany Wide FAD a crack, tried the same there for zeroes.. Something strange happening this year, some fishos have had some success at the FADs but it seems as though the vast majority are consistently coming back with zeroes. Temp at both FADs was 24 degrees

trolled south and picked up a nice little stripie which we kept again for bait. Gave the old man a great fight and his first tuna which was a great experience. 

Headed back in to maroubra and came by a what was clearly a charter boat in 85m of water.

now, moral question....... Having seen the charter boat and knowing little about maroubra i thought id stop in the area and have a go. Managed two snapper around 35 and 40cm. 

The charter blokes dont own the ocean or the fish in it, but i couldnt help but feel like i cheated !!! I know the charter guys work hard to learn the reefs and their livelyhoods depend on it. 

I didnt follow them on purpose, but came to pass by coincidence.  What are Raiders thought on this?

Anyway, found some fish traps with tonnes of dollies hanging around but again couldnt temp a bite. There were heaps of birds floating around the area but no bust ups or surface action? 

Picked up some flatties off maroubra, tangled with some undersize kings which went back to the drink

dad and his mate had a great day and so did i and that just is about all we needed :) 


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I fish some areas where charters are frequent visitors - and they are much more mobile than me (I am usually in a kayak).  My experience is that if I'm catching fish (or, more likely, I am not catching but all of the other fisho's nearby are catching fish), then the charter boats seem to notice, and seem to stay in the area until the fish go off the bite. If it is quiet at the spot, the charters seem to move on.

So I think the  charterboats observe your catch at least as much as you observe theirs.

From your report, it seems like you might have some good info for them!



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Hi Sam, great to see that you all had a good day out on the water. It's an occupational hazard for charter operators I'm afraid. Neither you, nor they, own the ocean and it is there to be shared by those using it at any given time. Highly unlikely that you guys will have any serious impact on their business. I understand your moral dilemma mate, but just get out there, with your Dad, as often as you can. That's what's important! Cheers, BN

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Last August I went on a charter boat in Sydney harbour as I had just purchased a runabout and wanted to get some tips on where to and what to and how to catch bait, table fish and any other info I could gleam. I explained this to the guide, who is a well known professional, and he was more than happy to give up the info. As well as locations for  target species I was shown techniques for squiding, how to use softplastics for flaties, how to catch blackfish, and livebaiting for kings. In fact now I have a little experince I wouldnt mind going on a charter again. But I always pay attention to any charter boat I see and try to work out what they are doing for my own education.

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5 hours ago, Mondo Rock said:

I don't really understand the moral dilemma. If you happen to find a new spot then mark it and fish it in clear conscience - shouldn't matter that you found it because a charter operator was there fishing first. 

I'd agree with this. Some of my blackie spots I have only come to know after seeing others catching bucketfulls of blackies there. I still kind of feel like I 'found' the spot myself.

Well done on getting out there with your dad and having him on to some good fish.

Nice report!

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