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Leader to jighead


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I know it's best to use a loop knot when fishing hardbodies, but was just wondering, how do people join their leader to their jig head. A tight knot like a uni or a loop knot. Also wondering will using a clip on hardbodies be good enough or still best to use a loop knot.




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58 minutes ago, nutsaboutfishing said:

I know it's best to use a loop knot when fishing hardbodies, but was just wondering, how do people join their leader to their jig head. A tight knot like a uni or a loop knot. Also wondering will using a clip on hardbodies be good enough or still best to use a loop knot.




Hi Richard,

I've been using a 5-6 turn lefty's loop knot for several years now.

I think in all that time, I've never had one fail.

I find a loop knot helps provides the ultimate action in the lure.

Imo, unless you're chasing pelagics, best to use a loop knot over a clip/snap.



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The main drawbacks with loops knots are 1. they significantly reduce the breaking strain of the line (so only OK if you are using a significantly stronger leader than your main line) and 2, you have to re tie them any time you wish to change lures.

Snaps have the obvious advantage of making it easy to change lures. They also give something for some lure retrieving devices to lock on too. I tend not to use them on very small lures as their bulk might upset the action. They are a potential source of failure though I must say i have never had one come open on a fish.


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for flattie jigs I use either a homer Rhodes loop knot or a perfection loop...my trace is always heavier than my mainline so lower knot strength isn't a problem..once I have shortened my trace after multiple changes I just on a new trace with twelve turn Albright...rick

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I remember hearing Bushy (as in Starlo and Bushy - makers of squidgies) on The Big Fish radio show once saying not to use a loop knot, and that the squidgies are designed for their swimming action based on a tight knot. Coming from the designer, that's good enough for me!

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best idea is tie your jig on and work it near surface..see which way has more action..same with hardbodies...I was using loops before starlo n bushy came into vogue..i had some of the first mr twisters that came into the country forty years ago and was smashing snapper before anybody heard about reds on jigs..i think I will stik to my loops..they hvnt let me down yet and im nearly 55 ..rick

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