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Newcastle beaches


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Getting near the rock ledges anywhere from Newcastle to Port Stephens proved tough this last weekend due to dangerous swells. Had a few sessions on a few beaches along that stretch of the coast - pretty hard at sunrise/dusk to miss out on tailor with the odd salmon in the mix too.  These fish pictured were spun up on a 40g lure, all in the 45cm-55cm range (biggest fish was landed by my wife while I was bleeding the previous fish!) Pick of the beaches for me were Birubi to the north, Dudley to the South. Got a few salmon also at Blacksmiths. As ever fishing gutters is the key to winning - some frustrated people I came across on the beaches who missed out on fish just were not near gutters. Medium casting lures (40-50g) or 1/2 pilchards quite lightly weighted accounted for all my fish this weekend (high tides brought the fish in close).



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Nice Dave! Definitely plenty of tailor about and make for a good feed. Your not wrong about the weather and this week from the stones looks a write off too! Won't be long now for the snapper to move in closer! 

cheers scratchie!!!

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