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Stinky salmon, but not like this


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I went fishing this evening and caught an Aussie salmon which I bought home for the cats. Now I've caught hundreds (literally) of these fish before and although I've never eaten one I've never noticed anything particularly smelly about them. This one was different - half way through filleting it I became aware of a strong smell. It was only a few minutes dead so it wasn't decay.

Now the smell is all over my hands. I've tried washing in hand cleaner, lemon juice, vinegar and even Gumption. I've scrubbed off the surface layer of skin and cut my fingernails back but I can't get rid of it. As I type this I get occasional whiffs of it and it makes me feel sick. I can't eat dinner tonight - I can't do anything that will put my hands anywhere near my face.

Its sort of like an iodine smell. Mixed with I can't tell what. Not really an animal smell, and not fishy, and nothing like trimethylamine.

Anyone ever encountered anything like this before?


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Most times when i go fishing i come back with a putrid smell on my hands. I usually rub my hands on the inside of a lemon (skin) to get the smell off. If that doesn't work i usually resort to stainless steel. But your description of the smell makes me want to throw up. Never heard of anything like that. If your hands smell like iodine you could try and use a thiosulfate solution or you could just 'give it time'.

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I spent more time scrubbing with gumption (cleaning compound with fine abrasives) and it seemed to help a bit. Seems to work at first but then 15 minutes later the smell comes back.

Then I tried the tomato sauce idea which I was pretty sure was rubbish but actually, it seems to work. We buy our tomato sauce at Costco, in Costco-size quantities, which proved to be a good thing. 

Maybe the stainless steel thing works too but there are logistic problems rubbing all the parts of your hands over a sink - especially the bits between your fingers.

not too bad now.

i wonder could the fish have had a bacterial infection?

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1 hour ago, Volitan said:


Then I tried the tomato sauce idea which I was pretty sure was rubbish but actually, it seems to work.


good its working for you

Edited by Regan
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If Lemmon juice dosent help your in trouble!

lemmon juice is very close to bleach I understand.

Zoran would be a good man to ask about this. 

bear in mind that when using your hands with anything, chemicals, cleaning fish,etc

That our hands have pores. and toxins etc can enter your blood stream via the skin and pores.

also toxins can enter your body through your eyes in vapor form.

thats why our eyes water when we are in close proximity to chemicals etc. 

Might be an idea to use washing up gloves next time?

Cheers marty

Edited by Trailcraft43
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Heres a handy tip for everyone when ur cleaning fish (regular stink or savage stink)

dry skin can be like a sponge. If u clean fish with dry hands your skin will absorb the fluids from the fishes guts/flesh. Once absorbed into the skin its impossible to get out. U just need to let it pass

theres a really simple.... simple fix for this

wash your hands in fresh water for a good 30 seconds and let your skin soak up the water first.... ul still have some smelly hands but no where near as bad and itl dissappear alot faster 

Edited by GoingFishing
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7 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

Heres a handy tip for everyone when ur cleaning fish (regular stink or savage stink)

dry skin can be like a sponge. If u clean fish with dry hands your skin will absorb the fluids from the fishes guts/flesh. Once absorbed into the skin its impossible to get out. U just need to let it pass

theres a really simple.... simple fix for this

wash your hands in fresh water for a good 30 seconds and let your skin soak up the water first.... ul still have some smelly hands but no where near as bad and itl dissappear alot faster 

That's a really good tip


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