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Fishing diary


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Hi raiders I'm wondering is there an app or something online where I can keep a fishing diary And keep info on outings, photos, weather etc. I noticed a post here from 2013 but not many replies. It's more of a long term thing as I would like to see in years to come full recorded history with pictures and videos. 

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I kept a diary for many years in an excercize book and then when computers come about I made a quick program that stored and sorted all my information, since windows has been released I don't know if you can make your own programs any more. There must be all sorts of apps available I just don't know of any. Sorry.


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Thanks guys I use Fishbrain also and it can be irritating some of the dung that goes up on it but I'm looking for something more private than  Fishbrain. I guess I could just keep all info on laptop/computer. 

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I have been keeping a hand written one since 1999 and every so often I do some research into specific software etc to upload all the info into.

There are quite a few specific logs out there, one I have been mucking around with lately is Fish In Sight (http://www.fishinsight.com/).  It's freeware and looks ok.  One problem I find with these are they are tailored to the US market, but they certainly have a lot of options for capturing details.  There are others too but a lot actually require purchasing or are 'cloud' based allowing others to see what you catching and where which I don't like.  

Otherwise you can make your own using Microsoft Access but you will need some knowledge on how databases work and how you can use Access to build them.  Excel is OK but it is limited in what it can give you.  




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Try google forms. Create your own form to log whatever details. I've tried quiet a few diff apps and some had some good items about them and missing a lot of other features. At the end I just created a simple form using google form to log my catches. Created shortcut icon on my mobile to fill in form whenever I require

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I keep track of all my detail in excell - mostly just a record of boat usage- Location  trip hours, engine hrs, kms, average speed fuel used how many on board sea & swell total caught for the day.
also add any repairs service cost & other expenses related to boat & trailer starting a new page for each year I can look to see how many outings each year & total expenses
Also have pages for years to come with reminders as per when flares are out of date & life jackets need servicing etc etc.


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I've started doing one for Mulloway trips - have whipped up a rough template in microsoft word which i use. Excel or Word would be your best bets (Google Forms sounds interesting aswell - i personally haven't tried it but i'll check that out).

I've been meaning to make an app for this on the mobile phone just haven't found the time!

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Google forms just allows me to input data in a form format rather than excel. Its then linked to google sheets in the background which is like excel (excel with many limitations). You can use most of the same formulas in excel. Honestly not a fan of google docs but in this case here is convenient for what I need it to do.

As this is all online, I can easily view on whatever devices as long as I have internet connection. No need to sync to different devices or anything.

There's alot more I would like out of an actual App version but havent yet found one that I like.

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On 30/09/2017 at 10:02 AM, FishermanSteve said:

Posting reports here on Fishraider is always a nice option of course 

That's exactly what Ive done for years! Then you can go back and have a look at what you did the same time last year! 

There is an absolute abundance of info on this site! I'm very thankful for fishraider! 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

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On 30/09/2017 at 3:57 PM, nutsaboutfishing said:

I had fishbrain on my phone for a while, There's a photo section with comments. I don't think it is moderated. With the amount of uneducated, snide comments there I just deleted it. Made me appreciate the job the Mods do on Fishraider

Thank you very much! 

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An app you can use for your phone is navionics. 

It will record your entire trip (speed, heading, time,route etc) and if you enable photos you can even place a photo exactly where you caught the fish. It doesn't require the internet as it works via satellite. 

You can also add your gps co-od to it and down load to your computer etc! 

Have a look at it!


 Cheers scratchie!!! 


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Yep I was going to mention Navionics and Fishing Deluxe as options.

Fishing Deluxe is an iPhone app  (http://lifewaresolutions.com/) $2.99 in app store (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fishing-deluxe-best-fishing/id485251405) 

It has ability to keep a fishing log: free format text, photo, co-ordinates, also can populate with the weather automatically etc.  I dont use that function so cant vouch for usability but you might want to check out the app store.

FYI, I basically use it for the solunar tables for planning my trips out.



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