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Centerpin / braid problem


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Hi everyone,

I've been using this old baker-lite centerpin reel with some old braid I had lying around for blackfishing. If I free spin the reel with no tension on the line, letting line out, it should start bellying between the first guide and the reel. Unfortunately this is not the case, often the braid will catch itself and start pulling in line in the opposite direction over the top of the reel.

My question is: Do I just suck at this, or is it time to invest in some better braid? If so, what type is less likely to catch like that?



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I used an Alvey for a short period of my fishing life and my understanding was that you shouldn't use Braid on them. Mainly due to that there was no memory on braid compared to Mono.

I wasn't good at it all but wanted to try something different at the time so did more research. As soon as I switched to Mono any issues I had using braid was gone and the only issues I had was me (if anything).

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