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Brisbane Water night fishing


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I went to a small public wharf on Brisbane Water last night. 8:30pm to 11:30. Two rods, frozen tailor for bait.
I've fished this wharf several times before and my method is to take a good eBook on my IPad and a foldup chair, cast the rods out, loosen the drag right off, lay the rods down on the wharf beside my chair but as far from the edge as I can, and read. Typically, about every half hour I get an enquiry - a few bites or maybe a small run - but usually they are gone before I even pick the rod up.
I know its a really stupid way to fish, but its more reading then fishing.
I lay the rods down because there just isn't anything to use as a rodholder.
About 9:00 am I got a snapper, probably not legal size so returned. Then it gets weird. No action for an hour. I was totally engrossed in the book so not worried. Then I heard a rattling noise and looked down to see one of the rods shooting across the wharf and over the side. Quite surreal, no warning, just zoom.
I guess I must have forgotten to loosen the drag.
Whatever it was must have been a good fish. Only a cheap rod and worn out reel, fortunately, so not worried about the loss of gear.
After cursing my stupidity for a while I checked the other rod, which was lying motionless. As soon as I started winding in it took off - quite a heavy fish - had me a bit excited for a while. Turned out to be a very large shovelnose shark foul-hooked in the anal fin (never pleased to catch rays or sharks). Getting it up onto the wharf, unhooked and released led to a few tangles, so I sat down to sort them out and eventually noticed a stray line which seemed to go nowhere. Turned out the ray had crossed the line of the lost rod. By doing a fast overhand I was able to pull the lost rod back up onto the wharf. Shake the water out, start to take in the slack line. Then that line takes off, turns out the fish was still on. After a tussle I get it up onto the wharf - measured - released. A flathead at 880mm, fat like I've never seen before. Stoked.
It seems when the pressure was off the flathead had simply gone to bottom and sat there.
After that, no action for another hour. At 11:00pm I went to retrieve one rod to check the bait. Shortly after I start winding I feel resistance - which then gets serious - another good fish. This one I lost as soon as I saw colour - couldnt definitely make it out but I think another big flathead.
Best result I've had at this really rather hopeless spot, even though I went home with nothing.
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42 minutes ago, kaniSS said:

Awesome. Love night fishing...

Yeah, I haven’t done it much before but I’m pretty impressed. I think it’s the mystery of what could be under there. All the little pickers are gone so just the big fish are out - few and far between but good fish when you do make contact.

plus you’re not changing the bait all the time.

As long as I have a good book I don’t care about the long dead spells.

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Lucky you today I was fishing three rods out of my tinnie had just cast one rod noticed the other was on, as I had already had a few undersize kings I was in a hurry so I just lent the rod in my hand against the back gunnel and reached for he hooked rod bam! Im now holding the wrong rod before  I know whats going on the first rods kicks nearly trips me and disappears over the back. Shimano sonic pro 3 -5 kg with sedona 3000 and 200mtrs 12ib braid gone forever!

Edited by blaxland
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