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And that’s Flathead number 5!


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Thursday 7th December

Went out for a quick arvo flick to end the day, at my usual spot down at Waverton. Second cast with a small Squidgy Wriggler in Bloodworm landed me a small Flattie. At least I caught something and i knew I wouldn’t end the day with the big donut. I swiftly realised him and opted to move onto the boardwalk and change my plastic over to a Gulp Minnow, to land another small summer Flattie. This time defiantly bigger around the 30cm mark.

Over the next 15 minutes after the last Flattie, I did notice tho some small choppers checking out my plastic. I moved down the boardwalk and gave a cast parallel to the pontoon and with short sharp jerks retrieved my lure. Almost instantaneously... Bang! Hellooo!! A solid Tailor smashed it and started its aerial acrobatics. Then almost as soon as it started it made its 3rd jump and it was gone! ? The line had either been bitten through or the knot came undone. Cause it was swimming around with a plastic and 1/12 jighead in its mouth. I retied and did it again and as before hooked up again! Again!, it happened again! I hooked it and as soon as it started i lost it. Something was happening to my line. Cause it now had 2 plastics and and 2 jigheads in its mouth. It must have been biting through my leader but how? Although, it was only 6lb Flurocarbon leader. I retied again and he didn’t come back but I don’t blame him cause the poor guy has 2 hooks in his mouth. But if I did get him in, I could’ve fixed that and got my hooks back. But I moved on and for the next hour and 30minutes I hopped over to Berry Island with no luck and came back again to catch another 3 Flathead all around the 32cm mark, whilst changing plastic after plastic for the fun of it. But the Flatties didn’t seem to fussy ?.  So all in all not a bad arvo. ?? 

Sorry about no pictures. The files seem to be to big. ☹️

Edited by JacobyBream
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24 minutes ago, JacobyBream said:

Thursday 7th December

Went out for a quick arvo flick to end the day, at my usual spot down at Waverton. Second cast with a small Squidgy Wriggler in Bloodworm landed me a small Flattie. At least I caught something and i knew I wouldn’t end the day with the big donut. I swiftly realised him and opted to move onto the boardwalk and change my plastic over to a Gulp Minnow, to land another small summer Flattie. This time defiantly bigger around the 30cm mark.

Over the next 15 minutes after the last Flattie, I did notice tho some small choppers checking out my plastic. I moved down the boardwalk and gave a cast parallel to the pontoon and with short sharp jerks retrieved my lure. Almost instantaneously... Bang! Hellooo!! A solid Tailor smashed it and started its aerial acrobatics. Then almost as soon as it started it made its 3rd jump and it was gone! ? The line had either been bitten through or the knot came undone. Cause it was swimming around with a plastic and 1/12 jighead in its mouth. I retied and did it again and as before hooked up again! Again!, it happened again! I hooked it and as soon as it started i lost it. Something was happening to my line. Cause it now had 2 plastics and and 2 jigheads in its mouth. It must have been biting through my leader but how? Although, it was only 6lb Flurocarbon leader. I retied again and he didn’t come back but I don’t blame him cause the poor guy has 2 hooks in his mouth. But if I did get him in, I could’ve fixed that and got my hooks back. But I moved on and for the next hour and 30minutes I hopped over to Berry Island with no luck and came back again to catch another 3 Flathead all around the 32cm mark, whilst changing plastic after plastic for the fun of it. But the Flatties didn’t seem to fussy ?.  So all in all not a bad arvo. ?? 

Sorry about no pictures. The files seem to be to big. ☹️

Sounds Like a lot of fun tailor will chop through 20lb leader like it wasnt there, could try a really quick retrieve and hope for a lip hook up, though more likly to get this if you switch to a chrome lure like a halco twisty. I find if the lure is moving to slow with tailor the big ones will engulf the whole thing. But if you go fast they try to bite the tail off.

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