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Callala beach


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For a while now I've wanted to post my first report and now the times here. So After the help of a few raiders on here giving me a few pointers, The day finally came where i was off , heading down for a few days at callala beach.

First day we got there we went down to the beach, our backyard pretty much opened up to the beach so cheering it was so close 5m away. We armed ourselves with our gear and a couple of beers between the 3 of us and hit the beach for a night sesh.

  Fished an hour before high tide and 2 hours after and managed to bag ouselves with a 50cm flatty, 48cm flatty, 35cm bream and  26cm tarwhine. All caught on pipis, squid strips and prawns using our light beach outfits. our next couple of sessions over the 3days there weren't as successful catching undersize whiting and bream but hey thats fishing was good to get out there and bag ourselves a feed. 

Cheers all 



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27 minutes ago, hookerbruce said:

Good result for Callala beach I have always found it very quiet and usually a lot of weed.

The little breakwall at Myola can fish well particularly at night give it a try.


Cheers bruce ill give it a try when im down there next

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19 hours ago, jenno64 said:

Nice work there and a great feed! I've fished Myola before but Callala always looked a bit featureless so you've done well!

Thank. Iv thought the same thing i usually fish the basin and the bay and callala always seemed a bit like that. I guess i got lucky?

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