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Port Hacking FAD Monday


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Due to employee day and rdo at work I ended up with a 4 day weekend, Monday looked the pick of the days so mentioned to my wife and Dad maybe a fishing trip. Mel had first choice and if she said no, dad would go. 

With all 3 kiddies giving us a tough Sunday morning for some reason Mel decided going fishing seemed a good option, this would be her first trip out to the FAD. Organised for their Nanna to arrive at 600 for baby sitting and Dad decided he would fish solo in his boat.

Baby sitter arrived on time and after running through the morning breakfasts pre- school and school drop offs we were away, via a detour past a bakery. 

Lanched at Grays Point, past Yowies secret fishing spot, didn't want to spook his fish so didn't say hello and headed out stopping at Shark Island for livies. Had a good run out to the fad and arrived to 3 boats at the FAD, 1 being dad.

It was Mels first trip out for Dollies, so i thought i would watch her first cast and guide her. She casts out and before i can say a word her bait is taken line ripped through her fingers and the bait is gone. She looks a little confused and shocked, we re-bait and this time i explain before she casts. 

Cast out, bail open, hold line, feel take, give 5 seconds of line, close bail, wind up tight and your on. She does it perfect this time and she's on, double hook up this time, both fish behave and head different directions. After a good fight she has her fish at the boat, put mine in the rod holder to help her. I don't have a big net so i normally use a small gaff to land dollies, notice her fish is hooked poorly through a scrap of skin and take a gaff shot that probably wasn't ready. Fish bounces off and the hook pulls, gives me a filthy dirty look as she realises what happened. 

Return to my fish and she looks even more pissed off as i neatly gaff it and lift it on board.

Run back up this time just her line out, cast out. She hooks up to a smaller fish which i can net and she has her first dollie. 

A couple more drifts where we get takes but no hook ups or the bait gets killed and the dollies lose interest. 

Next drift we both hook up to solid fish, a bit of dancing around as the fish cross over a few times before settling down, after a good 10 mins i have my fish in the boat, a solid 88cm, i put it out of sight and go to assist melissa knowing that from the  early jumps her fish is bigger and i want her to stay calm.  5 more minutes and her fish is at the boat, but not ready to gaff, after a few little runs at the boat the perfect moment presents and the fish is gaffed on board, a very solid 96cm, she is even excited enough to  hold the fish for a photo (sort of)

We go across to show my dad the fish and she announces a missed it twice with the gaff, I try to explain to her there is a difference between baulking at the gaff shot because it's not right and actually missing, not sure she believed me.

Next drift  produced another fish for her. After that we had run out of livies and the mutton birds made use pilchards hard so we called it quits and headed back in.

Stopped to have a drift for flathead, not because we wanted more fish but to avoid going back to reality for another half hour and to enjoy floating around in the sun with no kids for a change.

Back home melissa was complaining of sore arms and legs, from the day on the water but talking about when was the next time we could go.

Thanks for reading 




Edited by Oscarthebeagle
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Great stuff! I love it when I can put the missus on to fish! I want to take mine out for some kings tomorrow but she says she wants an easy, “sleep in” day on the day before she goes back to work. Go figure!

Edited by Berleyguts
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for reading and thanks for the replies.

Sorry for the delayed reply.

Fish were caught on yellowtail, although pretty much anything live will do.

It's a rare treat for my wife and I to get out for a fish without the 3 kids and I'm lucky to have a wife who's keen to fish, she took it up when we started dating and still enjoys it. It's great past time for ccouples to do together.


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