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Hen and Chicken Bay Saturday

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Hi all,

Been 11 years since my last report (how time flies!). All the usual life excuses - work, family, study and more - have all but killed any proper time on the water!

Anyhow, with the wife out for an afternoon, I thought I would drop in to visit my folks and ended up going for a fish with my dad.  Any trip with my dad comes with free babysitting by my mum (and this is much encouraged, but unfortunately I rarely have the time)! 

Having jumped off the train from a family trip in the city, I didn't have any gear, so I borrowed one of my dad's outfits, rigged up with a plastic from his collection and then we made our way to Hen and Chicken bay. Had very low expectations with the cold weather and all, but much to my surprise,  managed to get a couple of fish.

The first fish was a nice little flatty:


The next fish seemed to be somewhat more lively and I struggled to get it in. When it finally came in, I realised why - it was a foul hooked whiting pinned in its tail wrist!


Neither fish was anything to write home about, but I was pretty happy with that trip! It's been so long since I've caught anything bigger than an undersized bream, I didn't really know how to handle the fish anymore! Thankfully I got both back in the water after a few fumbling attempts.

After that it was time to get some dinner. It was good to be back.



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Hi Mike, I enjoyed your report but listen mate...YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO MAKE MORE TIME TO GO FISHING WITH YOUR DAD. The last thing you want creeping up on you is the realisation that you've missed out on some very special life experiences with your own family and your parents. So chill a bit and smell the salt water, it's good for the soul. Cheers, bn

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