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big Neil

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Hello Eastern seaboard Raiders, Bn chiming in from the very sunburnt inland areas of NSW. I have been reading all the wonderful accounts of you guys catching Kingfish, in abundance, over the past few months. HOWEVER...the highly stimulating posts have stopped. Does this mean that nobody is catching Kingfish any more? If so, why? Have they suddenly disappeared, have you all got bored from catching too many of them? I sincerely hope that there may be a better than even chance of catching them still. The plan is to head to the Sydney region to try to catch my first Kingie. I do hope I haven't missed the boat. Cheers, bn

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Hi Neil, inshore or offshore??


I last time I was out in BB was on the 21st & while I didn't get any or see anyone else getting any I am sure they are still there.

I think they are getting a bit more selective in what they are taking now where as earlier in January they were less choosy & even taking SP's & trolling lures.

On the 21st I tried trolling a couple of different lures but no luck.

I think you definitely nee to be using live baits at the moment to be successful.


If you get out this way & want some company give me a shout, if I'm not working & there is room on the boat I'd be happy to try & help out, Im no expert but know some of the local bait grounds & where they have been caught lately in BB.


I might be heading out tomorrow if the forecast stays the same & will be concentrating on live baiting this time.

Will let you know how I go 👍 

Edited by kingie chaser
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heaps around, mainly small rats at this time of the year and the water has started to get really warm which changes there habits a bit. The week after the full moon can be a bit dead - was listening to VHF 21 on Sat (had a beach day no fishing) and one of the best offshore charter guys mentioned he'd been struggling- the bite inside the harbour should still be on but the usual summer school holiday situation can make that hard to wire- you shouldnt miss out- anyway stuff the rat kings come to Sydney in Oct-Nov if you want a consistant flow of good sized fish inshore or winter for the big fat ones.

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3 hours ago, PaddyT said:

heaps around, mainly small rats at this time of the year and the water has started to get really warm which changes there habits a bit. The week after the full moon can be a bit dead - was listening to VHF 21 on Sat (had a beach day no fishing) and one of the best offshore charter guys mentioned he'd been struggling- the bite inside the harbour should still be on but the usual summer school holiday situation can make that hard to wire- you shouldnt miss out- anyway stuff the rat kings come to Sydney in Oct-Nov if you want a consistant flow of good sized fish inshore or winter for the big fat ones.

Many thanks for the very informative reply PaddyT. I have never caught a Kingfish so any size will do. I hope to be meeting up with DerekD. Last time I was in Sydney Derek showed me how to catch the squid for live bait. Hopefully this time I will be able to continue catching the squid and converting them into a Kingie. Would be great to catch a keeper and see what they taste like but I shan't be greedy. It's a reasonable trip (for me) to the big smoke but well worth it for some good fishing and meeting more Raiders. Cheers, bn

4 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Even I have caught a few recently Neil. 

There are plenty of raiders who will take you out when you are in Sydney ;)


I saw the report Donna. Hope I manage to catch one, certainly will be trying. bn

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1 hour ago, big Neil said:

I hope to be meeting up with DerekD. Last time I was in Sydney Derek showed me how to catch the squid for live bait.


Still happy to catch up with you & Derek in the bay somewhere in my little old 69 Quintrex.

You never know, Derek might be able to teach me a think or two as well 😁 

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5 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

Still happy to catch up with you & Derek in the bay somewhere in my little old 69 Quintrex.

You never know, Derek might be able to teach me a think or two as well 😁 

My mobile number is 0466853633. Let me have yours and I will let you know what's planned.  I don't know if we will be ON the water... maybe land-based in some part of the harbour. Cheers, bn

Edited by big Neil
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